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Adding, Editing, or Duplicating a Job Template for the ATS

Job Templates are used to streamline the posting process and increase standardization. Job templates can be used to post a job or start a requisition. When using a template, fields will populate during the posting process.

Navigating to Job Templates
  • Click Administration from the top menu bar.


  • Click Job Templates from the list on the left-hand side.



Adding/Editing a Job Template

  • Use the appropriate option:
    • Click Add Template to create a new job template.
    • Click Edit under the Action column to update an existing job template. Editing a job template will not update any job postings/requisitions using the template. 
    • Click Duplicate to create a duplicate of an existing job template and make adjustments.


  • A modal should appear like below. Enter the information for your Job Template.


    • Support Languages - Enable 'Spanish' if you would like Spanish fields for the job template. 
    • Job Title - Job Title to be advertised.
      • The job title on a job ad should be an industry-recognized title and can differ from your internal job title.
      • If you are duplicating an existing job template, it is advised to update the job title to reflect the duplicate to avoid confusion with the original job template and the duplicate. 
    • Job Description - The description of your job.
      • ATS - insert Image - 01.png - Click the image icon to insert an image by the image URL. The image URL must be publicly available (images stored on some cloud storage providers may not be publicly available and can only accessed within the cloud website.). You can right-click on a web image, click 'Copy Image Address', then paste the image URL into the 'Source URL' field on the ATS. Be mindful of using image URLs outside of your organization/control in the event that the image is taken down.

        ATS - Job Templates - Insert Image - 00.png

      • eye.png - Click the eye icon to see a preview of your job description.
    • Additional Requisition Information - This box will be hidden if posting a job and not creating a requisition.
      • Tables and questions can be added to the template and will appear during the requisition creation process when the template is selected.
      • You can use custom fields to collect information from the requisition creator, instead of this box.
    • Postal Code - Where the job will be posted. Required by job boards. Can post to multiple locations.
    • Job Posting Fields - Any fields in this section are custom and controlled by the system admin.
    • National Posting - To distribute your job posting to job board partners as a ‘National’ Posting.
      • This does not mean this posting will show up for all zip codes searched. Candidates must type ‘National’ in the location field to see it.
      • Visibility may be impacted. Not all job boards will accept the National Posting.
      • For Indeed Users - The Indeed job board will not accept the 'National' toggle when posting a job. You will instead need to add "Remote" to the Location field for Indeed to view the job posting as a national posting.
    • Telecommuting - To flag this position within the ATS as ‘Telecommuting’.
      • Use Telecommute in the job description; this will assist job seekers to easily find this position. (May be used instead of the toggle.)
    • Auto Responder - Will send the candidate an email letting them know that their submission has been received.
      • Select any auto responder email template created.
    • EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Category - This is optional and will be used in your AAP report to track candidates who participate in the voluntary affirmative action survey.
    • EEO Group - This is optional and can be used to group similar jobs together into one category.
    • Onboarding Location - This is the location you have set up in your onboarding solution for the job.
    • Designated Batch Size - Only displays if candidate batching is turned on. Can be changed when the template is used.
    • Number of Openings - Defaults to one. Can be changed when the template is used.
    • Screening Question - Screening questions can be added to a job template to help gather pertinent information related to the job posting. For additional information about setting up screening questions, please refer to the dedicated article.
  • Click Add Job Template/Save Changes when done.

Previewing Job Template

After creating your job template, you can preview how it will appear by clicking Preview from the 'Job Templates' page. A new tab/window should open with a preview of your job posting.



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