Navigating to Dependents & Beneficiaries
From the menu, expand Employee, expand Benefits, then click Dependents & Beneficiaries.
If you are already viewing an employee's profile, it can be found by hovering over Benefits and clicking Dependents & Beneficiaries.
The "Dependents and Beneficiaries" will list any previously added dependents and/or beneficiaries.
From this page, you will see columns displaying:
- Dependent/Beneficiary/Trust/Pet Name
- Birth Date
- Relationship
- Eligible for Dependent and/or Beneficiary
- Columns for selecting an entry/record.
Add Beneficiary
- Use the Actions drop-down menu and click
- Enter beneficiary information (Required fields are marked in RED. Required fields can be set up in Required Fields Overview).
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Suffix
- Address is same as Employee - If unchecked, additional fields will appear to enter the address for the dependent.
- SSN - Social Security Number
Relationship - The relationship between the beneficiary and the employee. When selecting the relationship, it is suggested to specify a "Spouse" or "Child". If the relationship is not a "Spouse" or "Child", then you should select "Other".
- If "Spouse", "Child", and/or "Other" are not listed, they can be added through the "Field Value Setup" page. For assistance with this, you can refer to How to Setup a Spouse, Child, and Other Beneficiary
- Gender
- Birth Date
- Birth Location
- Commitment Date - Frequently used to track commencement of domestic partnership or legal marriage dates.
- Full Time Student, Part Time Student, Student Hours - Used to determine dependent benefit eligibility within benefit settings.
- Tobacco User - Frequently used to drive benefit eligibility through eligibility rules.
- Disabled - If enabled, Core HR will ignore dependent age rules and allow the dependent to be eligible for plans past their age restrictions.
- Eligible Dependent - Designates the individual as someone who may be eligible to be enrolled in benefits.
- Eligible Beneficiary - Designates the individual to be eligible to be assigned as a beneficiary. This will be enabled by default.
- Qualified Medical Child Support Order - Used for internal reporting/tracking only.
- Household Member - Used for internal reporting/tracking only.
- Click when finished.