It is common for a client to offer specific benefits to one or two individuals in a company. It may be difficult to build these benefits in the standard benefit structure offered because of participation or premiums may vary per participant. Clients have the ability to add additional benefits to any individual in the system. Commonly used for 401k matching, tuition, alimony, child support, reimbursement, or allowance.
From the menu, expand Employee, expand Benefits, then click Additional Benefits.
If you are already viewing an employee's profile, it can be found by hovering over Benefits and clicking Additional Benefits.
The Actions drop-down menu will allow you to:
Filtering Additional Benefits List
Click the filter icon on the right-hand side and select the benefit package year to filter the list of Additional Benefits.
Create Additional Benefit Record
- Click
- Enter the following information for the benefit record:
- Select the package year.
- Select the category of benefit.
- Enter a benefit name.
- Enter a value for the benefit (Only numbers allowed).
- Click when finished.
Editing an Additional Benefit
- Click the name of the additional benefit.
- Edit the additional benefit as needed. Click Save Benefit when finished.
Deleting an Additional Benefit
- Select the existing record with the checkbox(es) to the far right of the record to delete.
- Use the Actions drop-down menu and click Delete Selected Record(s).
- You will see a modal like below to confirm the deletion of the selected record(s). Click Yes to confirm.
What Employees See
This information will display on the employee's homepage on their Total Benefits Statement PDF.