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Guides to Locations for Onboarding

Locations in Onboarding are used to denote where a user is to be working or a method to define the group of users. Your locations can be physical locations and/or they can be used to define a specific group of users, such as union/non-union or Spanish/English-speaking employees. 

When creating your locations, consider the reason why the location should be added. What is it about your users that requires a unique location? Do the users need to fill out special paperwork? Will your users be managed by a specific manager?

The following guide is intended for the process of adding individual locations. If you need to import multiple locations, you can refer to Bulk Import for Onboarding

Navigating to Locations
  • Click Administration from the top menu bar of Onboarding.


  • In the Administration menu, click Locations.



On the Locations tab, you can:

  • Add a Location
  • Edit/Delete Existing Locations
  • View a list of your locations by their Location #, Location Name, and Phone #

Managing your Locations

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