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Reviews Overview

The Reviews section gives you access to all reviews that have been created for employees and allows you to edit and print them.

To access Reviews, expand Settings from the menu, expand Performance Management, and click Reviews


Filtering Reviews

  • The Start and End Dates specified here will filter the Reviews to only those with a Review Date between the specified dates.
  • The Position selected will filter the Reviews to only those where the position was effective between the specified dates.
  • The Performance Manager selected will filter the Reviews to only those employee reviews for that manager with a Review Date within the specified dates.

The Dashboard presents an overall view of the status of open reviews.


The Reviews tab shows you the Review Date, the employee being reviewed, the employee or manager completing the review for the employee, the Review Form used for the review, the date the review was completed, the date the review was signed, and the score of the review. You can also print a compiled review of an employee with all reviewers’ scores for that employee.


Reviews FAQ

Q. How do I create a Review record?
A. Review records can be created either through the Utilities screen or for a specific employee via the Employee Performance Management Reviews screen.

Q. How do I complete a Review?
A. You can complete a Review by clicking on the link in the Review Form column. Only Reviews that do not have a date in the Date Completed column can be edited.

Q. Why can't I print a Review?
A. The Print link will only be enabled once all reviews for an employee (for the same review date) have been completed.

Q. Why can't I sign the Review?
A. The Sign link will only be enabled once all reviews for an employee (for the same review date) have been completed.

Q. How do I override or reset a review?
A. You can override the Review Score or reset a review by clicking on the link in the Reviewer column and making the appropriate changes from that screen. Deleting the Date Completed will re-open a review for editing.

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