How Do I Create a Review Record?
Review records can be created with either:
- Through the Utilities screen
- For specific employee via the employee profile with the following navigation path:
How Do I Complete a Review?
You can complete a review by clicking on the link in the Review Form column. Only Reviews that do not have a date in the Date Completed column can be edited.
Why Can I Not Print a Review?
The Print link will only be enabled once all reviews for an employee (for the same review date) have been completed.
Why Can I Not Sign the Review?
The Sign link will only be enabled once all reviews for an employee (for the same review date) have been completed.
How Do I Override or Reset a Review?
You can override the Review Score or reset a review by clicking on the link in the Reviewer column and making the appropriate changes from that screen. Deleting the Date Completed will re-open a review for editing.