The "Step 3 - Review Time Sheet Cards" tab of Pay Period Processing displays an overview of each employee's recorded time sheet data for the selected pay period.
- Expand 'Settings', expand 'Time and Labor Mgmt', then click Time and Attendance from the menu.
- Click the Step 3 - Review Timesheet Cards (#) tab.
Understanding the Menu
Use the drop-down menus to filter the time cards and pay period to review:
The "Step 3 - Review Time Sheet Cards" tab will provide the following columns:
- Employee - Click the employee's name to view their timesheet card. There will be an info icon next to the pay range if there are any comments associated with a time record for the pay range.
- Employee ID
- Regular Hours
- Overtime Hours
- Dbl Time Hours
- Paid Time Off Hours
- Unpaid Time Off Hours
- Total Hours
- Pay Amount
- Date Submitted - When the time card was submitted, generally by an employee.
- Date Approved - When the time card was approved, generally by a time manager.
- Detail - Hovering over the icon will indicate the time card submitter and approver.
Clicking the filter icon allows you to filter the time cards based on their submission or approval status:
The Actions drop-down menu will allow you to:
Mark Selected as Submitted - Marks the selected card(s) as submitted. The "Date Submitted" column will update with the date of the submission.
- Marking a card as submitted is generally performed at the employee level to serve as the employee's acknowledgment of the accuracy of the card. Once a card is marked as submitted, the employee will no longer be able to edit the time for that pay period.
- Mark Selected as Not Submitted - Removes the 'submission date' and 'submitted by' name from the selected card(s).
Mark Selected as Approved - Mark the selected card(s) as approved. The "Date Approved" column will update with the date of approval.
- Marking a time card as approved is generally performed at the manager level to indicate that the card has been reviewed.
- Mark Selected as Not Approved - Removes the 'approval date' and 'approved by' name from the selected card(s). Marking a card as 'Not approved' will also trigger the workflow event "Time Card Denied."
- Email Selected Employees will pull up an email creation interface. It has a count listed of the number of employees that will be receiving the email. Fill out the subject and body text boxes to compose the email then click Send Email. This function is primarily used to remind employees that have not yet submit their time card to do so.
Timesheet Card Details
Clicking the employee's name link will allow you to view additional details about the timesheet card.
Use the provided drop-down menu to jump to other employees and/or approve their time card:
The 'Timesheet Cards' details will provide a series of tabs:
- Timesheet Records
- Time Off Details
- Pay Transactions
- Comments
- Emails
- Submit Time Card
The top of the timesheet records tab will provide drop-down menu options for adding a new project/cost center record.
The timesheet records tab will provide the following columns:
- Project - The project and cost centers for the timesheet entry, if any.
- Dates - The timesheet will display a date range for the selected period, split out over seven-day intervals beginning with the pay period start date.
- Total - The total hours for the project and cost center entry.
- Pay Amount - The total pay amount for the record.
Adding and Updating a Timesheet Record
Use the provided drop-down menus to select the project and/or cost centers for the new record. Click Add To Timesheet when finished.
The record should be added to the timesheet below.
Adjust the hour values with the provided fields for the appropriate days. Fields cannot be left blank and must contain a value. If there should be no hours for a given field, enter a 0. The total column and row will automatically adjust to provide a visual of the total hours for the day and week.
Click Save Timesheet when finished. The pay amount will update based on the hours and pay rates.
Deleting a Record
- Click the X towards the right of a row to remove the row. Removed rows will be removed from all future cards once reloaded, as long as no data was recorded to that row on a future date range.
- You will see a warning and a confirmation to delete the record.
Pay Amount
- Click the 'Pay Amount' link to view the pay amount the details regarding how rates are applied to the transaction are displayed.
- You should view a breakdown of the hours and any splits.
- Select a new rate from the 'Pay Rate' dropdown menu.
- Click Recalculate Rates.
- Click Save Rates.
This page does not allow the adjusting of how hours within a single transaction are split, only which rates apply to each split. The splits are determined automatically by the system based on pay group settings and by the hours reported for each day within the project/cost center row.
The Time Off Detail tab provides the ability to manage Time Off Transaction Records.
If Accrual Rules are defined within the system then "Accrued" Transaction Records will be created automatically via the Nightly Accrual Process.
This tab is always available to administrators accessing the employee time cards through the admin portal but is a configurable option for managers through the employee portal.
This menu provides the following columns:
- Transaction Date - Clicking the transaction date allows you to update the time off detail record.
- Type - The time off type of the transaction.
Transaction Type - The type of time off transaction:
- Accrued - Generally indicates an increase to the Balance as specified in the Units field.
- Carried Forward - Reserved for specifying the number of Units carried forward from one year to the next.
- Granted - Indicates a pending (not yet taken) decrease to the Balance as specified in the Units field.
- Taken - Indicates a completed (already taken) decrease to the Balance as specified in the Units field.
- Units - The amount of time for the time off transaction.
- Balance - The amount of time off balance.
- Comment
- Date Modified
- Last Modified By
Clicking the filter icon allows you to filter the time off transactions by their year and/or time off type:
The Actions drop-down menu allows you to:
- Add New
- Delete
Creating/Editing a Time Off Detail
- Go to the Actions drop-down menu and click Add New to create a new transaction or click the date of an existing record.
- Enter/update the information for the time off transaction.
- Time Off Type - The time off type of the transaction.
Transaction Type - The type of time off transaction:
- Accrued - Generally indicates an increase to the Balance as specified in the Units field.
- Carried Forward - Reserved for specifying the number of Units carried forward from one year to the next.
- Granted - Indicates a pending (not yet taken) decrease to the Balance as specified in the Units field.
- Taken - Indicates a completed (already taken) decrease to the Balance as specified in the Units field.
- Transaction Date
- Units - The amount that should be taken or added to a balance.
- Comments
- Click Add Transaction or Save Transaction to save the transaction record.
Delete Time Off Detail Record
- Use the checkboxes towards the right to select the time off detail record(s) to delete.
- Click Delete from the Actions drop-down menu.
- Confirm the deletion.
The Pay Transactions tab allows an administrator to maintain unlimited compensation activity that falls outside of base pay compensation. Each transaction is time-stamped and tagged with a transaction type that provides details such as stipend, bonus, commission and any additional pay.
The menu provides the following columns:
- Start - The date that the record is effective. Clicking the start date allows you to edit the transaction record.
- End - The end date of the pay transaction.
- Pay Code - The pay code of the pay transaction.
- Rate Code - The rate code of the pay transaction.
- Amount
- Type - The type of pay transaction.
- Category
- Notes
- Detail - Hovering over the icon will provide a time stamp and modifier of the transaction.
- Synced to Payroll
The Actions drop-down menu allows you to:
- Create Transaction Record
- Delete Selected Records
Creating/Editing a Transaction Record
- Go to the Actions drop-down menu and click Create Transaction Record to create a new transaction or click the date of an existing record.
- Enter/update the information for the pay transaction.
- Pay Code - (Required) The pay code of the pay transaction. The pay code cannot be updated when editing an existing pay transaction.
- Rate Code - (Required) The rate code of the pay transaction.
- Employer Code - If Employers are enabled, specify the employer that the pay transaction is associated with.
- Start - (Required) The date that the record is effective
- End - (Required) The date that the record should be marked inactive. If this transaction represents a one-time payment then the Stop Date should be set equal to the Start Date.
- Agency
- Amount - (Required)
- Type
- Category
- Notes
- Click Add Record or Save Record to save the transaction record.
Deleting a Pay Transaction Record
- Use the checkboxes towards the right to select the pay transaction record(s) to delete.
- Click Delete Selected Records from the Actions drop-down menu.
- Confirm the deletion.
The Comments tab displays comments that have been recorded by the employee.
Please note that reports containing comment data will only populate comments recorded on a date that also contains worked hours.
The menu provides the following columns:
- Action - Click the icon to update an existing comment.
- Comment
- Date
- Modified By
The Actions drop-down menu allows you to:
- Delete Selected Records
Adding a Comment
- Specify a date and enter a comment.
- Click Add Comment when finished.
Editing a Comment
- Click the edit icon under the Action column on the left-hand side.
- Update date and/or comment fields as necessary.
- Click Save Comment when finished.
Deleting a Comment
- Use the checkboxes towards the right to select the pay transaction record(s) to delete.
- Click Delete Selected Records from the Actions drop-down menu.
- Confirm the deletion.
The Emails tab lists the emails generated from the system as a result of actions in the Time and Attendance module.
The menu will provide the following columns:
- Action - Click the icon to open a new tab/window and view the email contents.
- From
- To
- Sent
- Subject
- Rejected
Clicking the filter icon allows you to filter the emails list:
The Submit Time Card tab is primarily used by the employee to mark a timesheet as submitted.
From this tab, the time card can be downloaded as a PDF or Excel file. Click the PDF or EXCEL icon for the desired file format. Your web browser will download the selected file.
The Acknowledgement text is configurable, specify this text on the General Settings tab of Time and Attendance Settings.
The card is marked as submitted by clicking Submit Time Card. This will enter a date in the "Date Submitted" column of the time clock cards overview and record the submitter's name.