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Why Are Overnight Time Clock Records Not Calculating in Core?

When reviewing an employee's time clock records, you may see that an employee's hours are not calculated as expected if they had worked overnight/through midnight.

This is commonly due to the "Date of Time Out is on day following Time In Date" not being enabled for a record, so a record that should go from Monday 8PM to Tuesday 4AM, would instead be seen as Monday 8PM to Monday 4AM which is not possible. This will generally only affect time clock records that are added manually as the system would enable this when time is tracked normally by the employee. 

  • In the example below, we have an employee that worked from 8PM to 8AM and the hours have not been calculated. Looking at the time detail, we can see that the in and out times are for the same day.


  • Viewing the time record, we can enable the "Date of Time Out is on day following Time In Date" option.


  • When we return to the time clock records and check the time detail, we can see that the time out date is correct and the hours have calculated.


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