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Pay Period Processing - Review Time Clock/Time Sheet Cards - Time Off Detail

The Time Off Detail tab provides the ability to manage Time Off Transaction Records. The functionality of this tab mirrors that of the Time Off Detail tab found in the employee menu of the admin portal. This tab is always available to administrators accessing the employee time cards through the admin portal, but is a configurable option for managers through the employee portal.

  • Time Off Type - The values in this drop-down reflect the Time Off Types defined within the Time Off Types configuration Tab.
  • Transaction Type - Includes the following values:
    • Accrued - generally indicates an increase to the Balance as specified in the Units field.
    • Carried Forward - reserved for specifying the number of Units carried forward from one year to the next.
    • Granted - indicates a pending (not yet taken) decrease to the Balance as specified in the Units field.
    • Taken - indicates a completed (already taken) decrease to the Balance as specified in the Units field.

Note:  If Accrual Rules are defined within the system then "Accrued" Transaction Records will be created automatically via the Nightly Accrual Process.


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