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Custom Pay Rates for Time Records in Core HR

The Custom Pay Rates tab allows for the creation of a custom override rate for an employee. These rates apply when an employee records time a specific project, cost center or combination of project and cost centers.

If the Custom Pay Rates tab is not appearing, you can enable it from the settings of Time & Attendance. While viewing the General Settings tab, enable the "Enable Administrator Custom Pay Rate Configuration" option, then save.


Before creating a custom rate scenario, the rates intended to apply as a result of the custom configuration need to be created on the Pay Rates tab within Settings.

From the Actions drop-down menu, you can:

  • Create a custom pay rate for the selected employee.
  • Delete a custom pay rate for the selected employee.

To edit an existing custom pay rate, click the link under the Reg Pay Rate column.


Creating Custom Pay Rate

The Custom Pay Rates creation screen is used to specify the conditions where custom or override rates apply, based on projects or cost centers selected when recording time.

  • From the Actions drop-down menu, click Create Custom Pay Rate.


  • Enter the appropriate information for the custom pay rate.
    • The Shift drop down should be specified only if creating a rate that should apply during a specified period of time in addition to selected project or cost centers.
    • Specify the Project and/or Cost Centers that are to trigger the custom rate (if applicable).
    • Specify the Regular, Overtime, and (if applicable) Double Time rates that should apply when the employee clocks into the specified project or cost centers
    • Add any Entry Notes that should be recorded with the punch
    • Set a Precedence Order if creating multiple custom rates for a single employee


  • When done, click Add Record.

Precedence Order is important when creating a custom rate that differs when crossing defined shift times. Shift custom rates should precede custom rates without shift designation.

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