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Generating 1094/1095 Forms for Core HR

The IRS uses Forms 1094-C and 1095-C to enforce two key aspects of the Affordable Care Act. Form 1094-C is used by large employers (50 or more full-time employees or full-time equivalents) to report whether they offered health insurance and employee enrollment. Form 1095-C, provided by the employer to both the IRS and the employee, details individual employee coverage throughout the year.

  1. Expand 'Settings' and click Affordable Care Act from the menu.

    CHR - Settings - Menu - ACA - 00.png

  2. Click Forms in the top menu bar.

    ACA - Main Page - Forms - 00.png

  3. Enter the following information:
    1. Select the reporting year.
    2. Enter the contact name and phone number.
    3. Select the plan start month.
      • The month during which the plan year begins of the health plan in which the employee is offered coverage or would be offered coverage if the employee were eligible to participate.
      • If more than one plan year could apply (for instance, if the ALE Member changes the plan year during the year), enter the earliest applicable month.
      • If there is no health plan under which coverage is offered to the employee, enter “00.”
    4. Select the Employer/EIN.
    5. Select the Employee Group.
    6. Select the appropriate Offer Method
    7. Select the applicable options
      • To give Arcoro consent to file, check the box for "Is this the Authoritative Transmittal for the ALE Member?"


  4. Click Generate.

Aggregated ALE Group Reporting

An Applicable Large Employer (ALE) is an employer with 50 or more full-time employees or full-time equivalents on business days during the preceding calendar year.

  • When generating your forms, check the box for "Aggregated ALE Group".


  • Once checked, a modal window will appear like below where you can. Specify the appropriate options:
    • Aggregated Group Indicator Month(s) - Used to specify which months the selected employer was part of the Aggregated ALE Group.
    • ALE Group Members - Used to specify which employers are included in the Aggregated ALE Group.
  • Any selections made for the "Aggregated ALE Group Details" modal will be used to fill in Part III and Part IV of the 1094-C form.


  • Enabling the "Aggregated ALE Group" checkbox will also select the "Yes" box on Part II, Line 21 of the 1094-C form.


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