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Pay Stub Time Off Import Layout for Core HR

The layout below can be used to import Pay Stub Time Off into Core HR. 

General Information on Importing

For general information on importing data, refer to the following dedicated article that details how to import a file, supported formats, and other related information.

Import Layout

When creating your import file, you must:

  • Create Column Headers.
  • Match the order of the columns with the table provided below.
  • Match the number of columns with the table provided below.

If columns are added or removed, the import process file will stop and an error message will be shown, resulting in no records processed and an error logged in the import history.

When is a Record Added vs Updated?

If a field is identified as a key field with the label [key] in the 'Required' column in the table below, Core HR will update the existing record with the matching [key] field data instead of creating a new record (i.e. when importing a file containing employee data and Core HR recognizes an employee's SSN as belonging to an existing employee record, Core HR will update the existing employee record with the data from the import file instead of creating a new employee record).

If no field has the [key] label in the 'Required' column, the import layout will always create a new record and not update any existing records.

Column Header Data Type Max Field Length Required Notes
Employee SSN / Employee ID Text <=20 Yes [key] Must match an existing employee within the system.
Pay Date Date =1 Yes Date of check or direct deposit.
Indicator Text <=50 Yes General description of record (i.e. off cycle, etc.)
Leave Type Text <=50 Yes Example: Vacation, PTO, etc.
Start Balance Numeric   Yes  
Earned Numeric      
Taken Numeric      
Adjustment Numeric      
End Balance Numeric   Yes  

Import Template

We have provided an import template in an Excel format to help you get started. You can refer to the table above for more information about any of the columns. Required fields have been marked in RED.

 Pay Stub Time Off Import Template

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