Module Navigation

Properties Tab for a Wellness Campaign in Core HR

Navigating to the Properties Tab of a Wellness Campaign
  • Expand Settings and click Wellness Campaigns from the menu.

    CHR - Menu - Wellness Campaigns - 00.png

  • Click the Campaigns tab.

    CHR - Wellness Campaigns - Campaigns - 00.png

  • Click Create Campaign from the Actions drop-down menu for a new campaign or click the name of an existing campaign.

    CHR - Wellness Campaigns - Campaigns - Add Edit - 00.png

  • Enter the appropriate information into the "Properties" tab. Create_-_00.png
    • This is an Active Campaign - If this checkbox is checked, the campaign will be accessible from the Employee Portal Homepage.
      • We recommend not enabling the Campaign until it is ready to be viewed by employees.
    • Campaign Name - A required field for a short description of the Wellness Campaign.
    • Start/End Date - The beginning and ending date for the campaign.
    • Employee Group -  Defines the group of employees that will have access to the Wellness Campaign.
    • Description - A detailed description of the Wellness Campaign.
  • Click Save & Continue >> when finished to proceed to the "Metrics" tab.
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