Module Navigation

Guide to Learning Plans for the LMS

Navigating to Learning Plans
From the Learning Management page, click LMS Admin, then click Training, then click Learning Plans.



The Learning Plan page will show you columns for:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Status - Active or Inactive.
  • Tasks - # of tasks in the learning plan.

In the top right, you can use the Active/Include Inactive toggle to include inactive learning plans in the learning plan list or not.

Add Learning Plan

  1. Click Add Learning Plan.


  2. Enter the information for your learning plan.
    • Name (required) Seen by the employee
    • Description (required) Seen by administrators
  3. Use the Active/Inactive toggle. The learning plan is defaulted to Active.
  4. Click Save.

Manage Learning Plans

  • To manage a Learning Plan, click the ... button under the Action column.


  • The Action menu will show you the following options:


    • Manage Tasks - Add, edit, or delete tasks for a Learning Plan. For Information on what to do, you can refer to the following section: Manage Tasks
    • Edit - Make changes to an existing Learning Plan.
    • Copy - Will create a copy of the selected Learning Plan. When the learning plan has been copied, the copy will be prefaced with "Copy of".

Manage Tasks

Adding a Task to a Learning Plan

  1. Click the ... button from the Action column.


  2. Click Manage Tasks from the Action menu.


  3. You will see a modal with a listing of any assigned tasks.


  4. Click Add Task.


  5. You will see fields to add the task.


    • Task Type - Select task type from the drop-down
      • Course
      • Evaluation
      • Knowledge Base Document
      • Task
    • Choose the corresponding task item that appears next to the Task Type.
      • If Course was selected, select the related Course.
      • If Evaluation was selected, select the related Evaluation.
      • If Knowledge Base Document was selected, select the related Knowledge Base Document.
      • If Task was selected, enter the Title for the Task.
    • Description - Enter a description for the task.
    • Days to Complete - Translates to a due date and is displayed with the employee's view of the Learning Plan
    • Require Manager Sign-Off
    • Sort Order - Determines the order of tasks in the learning plan.
      • It can help to use increments of 5, like 5, 10, 15, etc. If you need to add a task in the future, or forgot something, you can easily add it to the plan.
  6. Click Save when finished.

New tasks can be added to an existing Learning Plan, but will only be assigned going forward. If an employee was already assigned a Learning Plan, the new task would NOT be added for the employee to complete.

Editing/Deleting a Task for your Learning Plan

  1. Click the ... button from the Action column.


  2. Click Manage Tasks from the Action menu.


  3. You will see a modal with a listing of any assigned tasks.


  4. Click the ... button under the Action column.


  5. Click Edit or Delete as needed.


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