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Understanding the Electronic Filing Cabinet

Employee documents are securely stored and easily retrieved via the Electronic Filing Cabinet. Filter results by job title, date range, location and hiring manager, status, social security number, employee email, or search for employees by name. Review, download, or print employee documents from the viewing screen. Additional documents can be uploaded and stored to an employee’s profile and employment information, such as when salary is updated using the action icons.



From the Electronic Filing Cabinet, you can filter based on:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Username
  • Location - For more information about Locations, refer to the following article.
  • Job Title - For more information about Job Titles, refer to the following article.
  • Hiring Manager - Will list all Administrators and Hiring Managers, active or deleted (will not list Kiosk Users). For more information about Users, refer to the following article.
  • Status - Filter based on Incomplete, Complete, and/or Terminated status.
  • Date From & Date To - Filter based on the date range of the hire date.
  • SSN

Employee Table


The table shows columns for:

  • Full Name
  • Email
  • Status
  • Job Title
  • Location
  • Hire Date
  • Assigned To
  • Document Type

Reviewing Employee Information

Clicking the name of the employee under the "Full Name" column will show a summary of the new hire's personal information, emergency contact, tax information, i9 information, information relating to government documents, and custom fields.

Clicking "Print" will let you print the new hire's inforamtion.


Document Type

The document type helps organize/filters your employee's documents and lets you select the document to open for reviewing or deleting.  There are some default document like government documents such as I9 or W4s. If you need to add your own document types, you can refer to Complete Guide to Policies for Onboarding


Exporting Documents

Export Documents lets you export all the documents of a specific type. Doing so will let you download a zip file containing all the selected file types.

  • Click Export Documents.


  • Select the document/form type.


  • Click Download.


Electronic Filing Cabinet Actions Menu

Depending on the employees status (Incomplete, Complete, or Terminated) the Actions menu can differ.

Actions for an Incomplete Employee


Clicking the "..." button under the Action column for an "Incomplete" employee will let you:

Actions for a Complete Employee


Clicking the "..." button under the Action column for a "Complete" employee will let you:

Actions for a Terminated Employee


Clicking the "..." button under the Action column for a "Terminated" employee will let you:


Open Document

After selecting a document type from the drop-down menu, you can open the document for further review. This will open a new tab/window for the document. In the example below, we have opened the policy summary document.


Delete Document

The option to delete a document is only available for documents that have been uploaded by administrators/managers. Documents filled in by the new hire while going through their paperwork cannot be deleted.


Update Pay Rate

Update the pay type (hourly or salary) and/or pay amount for an employee.


Disable Incomplete New Hire

Disable a new hire that is going through their paperwork and prevents them from logging in to the Onboarding website. May be necessary if a new hire has started their paperwork, but did not pursue employment with the company. 


Terminate Employee

Terminate an employee if they are no longer with the company by specifying the terminated date. The documents associated with the terminated employee will be preserved in the Electronic Filing Cabinet.


Upload Document

Upload additional documents for an employee such as certification documents, licenses, etc. and select the type of document that is being uploaded. If the needed document type is missing, you can refer to the following article for assistance with adding a new document type: Complete Guide to Policies for Onboarding


Add/Edit Comment

Add an internal comment to the employee. Clicking the "..." button in the Action column will let you edit or delete a comment.


Rehire Employee

Rehiring an employee allows you to update any necessary information such as the email, pay rate, etc. The employee will appear in the "Incomplete New Hires" list so they can begin their new hire paperwork. 


Send Reset Password Email

Sends a "Password Reset" email to the new hire. This should only be done if the new hire has provided a valid email address. If the new hire did not provide a valid email, such as when using Kiosk Mode, the manager will need to change their password for them. In the event that the new hire is unable to locate the email, the new hire should check their spam/clutter emails for emails sent by <>


Change Password

Allows the administrator to change the password for a new hire. This is useful for administrators that need to update the password for a new hire that did not provide a valid email, such as if they had used the Kiosk Mode.


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