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Completing a New Hire from Manager Action Items for Onboarding

When a new hire has completed their portion of the paperwork, the manager will need to finish their portion of a new hire's paperwork.

The manager will view a series of steps similar to what the New Hire went through, but with fewer steps.

Depending on your Administration/Account settings, some of the available steps/fields can differ. 

Navigating to Manager Action Items
  • Click New Hire Dashboard from the top menu.


  • The Manager Action Items tab should be the initial tab shown. If not, click the tab.


  • You will see the Manager Actions Items page like below. New Hires that have completed their paperwork will be listed.


  • Click the ... button.


  • Click Complete New Hire.


  • Login - The first page will ask the manager to acknowledge the given statement. If required, the Manager may need to enter their password.

  • i9 - The manager will list the documents that the new hire provided for the hiring manager to verify their identity and ability to be employed in the United States. An example of the document will be shown and what information should be noted.

  • Additional Info - The Start Date will always be required in this set.
    • The Start Date will always be required in this set.
    • If the new hire did not enter their gender and race, the manager will be required to complete the information and make their best guess. 
    • Custom fields will be present for the manager if set up. If you would like assistance with custom fields, you can refer to Complete Guide to Custom Fields for Onboarding
  • Review - Review the information entered for the new hire.

  • Sign - The manager will review and sign-off on the paperwork.

  • If Arcoro’s third-party vendor, EmpTrust, is contracted for E-Verify services, there will also be a step to submit the new hire's form i-9 data to E-Verify. After the data has been sent and verified, the new hire will receive a success or failure status. If the new hire receives a failure, the new hire's data can be corrected/updated through the EmpTrust portal to get them through the process. 

    ONB - Paperwork - Everify - 00.png

  • After the manager has completed their portion of the paperwork and signed off on the new hire, they will reach the "Complete" step.


Depending on your Notification setup, an email may be sent to individuals that the new hires Onboarding is complete.

When the new hire's Onboarding is complete, they will move from the Manager Action Items tab to the Recently Hired tab

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