For more information about the availability of this feature, contact your Account Manager.
In the Advanced Analytics landing screen, in the top left corner are two main options: Dashboards and Reports.
Clicking Dashboards reveals two menu options:
- Dashboard List - Display dashboards that are currently available.
- New Dashboard - Design a new dashboard.
For a walkthrough on using Dashboards, please refer to the following dedicated article.
Clicking Reports reveals two menu options:
- Report List - Select to view a list of all reports previously designed.
- Classic Designer View – Select to create a brand-new report. Resources for creating a report can be found here.
Reports List
The 'Reports List' page provides the following options: Reports and Templates. Reports are completed reports that can be readily viewed. Templates are a starting point when creating a new report. Templates are useful when your data visualizations are partially implemented and you wish to reuse the setup in later reports.
Tip - If menu items are not displayed on the left side of the window, it is easiest to expand the width of the browser window. Alternatively, use the menu icon located in the upper right corner.
Tip - If no reports are listed, click the screen refresh button.
Global Categories & Local Categories
Reports are grouped into Global Categories or Local Categories.
Global Categories contains pre-designed global reports created for you by Arcoro. Global reports and their related categories cannot be modified; however, Global reports can be copied into a local category.
Local Categories contains reports are designed by you and can be modified and organized into your custom categories.
Please keep in mind that Global and Local categories will only populate with past data starting from the previous day and do not currently populate with data from the same day.
A list of global reports and their description is available here:
Expand Report Details
When viewing the list of reports, the report details can be expanded and viewed by clicking on the arrow located at the far right of the report description. Report actions (described later in this guide) are conveniently displayed at the bottom of the expanded detail section.
Open & View a Report
To open and view a report with data:
- From the Advanced Analytics landing page, navigate to Reports > Report List.
- Expand a category to view available reports.
- Click on the report name, located in the middle of the screen. In the screenshot below, the first global report available to view is named Course Details
- Another way to open a report in Reports > Report List is to expand the report details using the small arrow icon located to the right of the report name. Next, click Open.
When viewing a report, there are essentially three sections: Actions, Filters, and the Report populated with data. Actions and filters available when viewing reports are described in a separate section in this guide.
To return to the list of reports, go to the top left of the screen and navigate to Reports > Report List.
View Reports
Once a report is open, users viewing reports have numerous actions and filter options available.
Note: The screenshots in this section utilize the global report "User Learning Plan Tasks That Are Overdue".
Actions available when viewing a report are:
Access these actions by clicking on the desired button, located at the top of the window when viewing a report.
Schedule a report to be automatically sent to users on a time schedule you define.
Setting Up a Report Subscription
- To begin, open the desired report and click Subscribe then click Add Subscription.
Tip – In general, global reports cannot be modified. However, it is possible to add a subscription to a global report.
- In the Add Subscription window, complete the two sections: Schedule and Delivery. The Schedule section defines when the report is sent. The Delivery section defines who receives the report.
- In the Schedule window, you must complete the Instance Name and Start Time fields. Other fields have default values.
- Give the subscription an Instance Name. The best practice is to select a name that is descriptive of the report and how often it will be received.
- Select the Subscription Type from the dropdown:
- Subscribed Reporting Item – Always delivers the report even if the report has no data
- Subscribed Alert – Delivers the report only if the report has data
- Select the Time Zone which relates to the Start Time also selected in this window. When the Start Date and Start Time have arrived in the selected Time Zone, the subscription will begin.
- Enter Start Date
- Enter Start Time
- Select Recurrence from the dropdown options
- Once you have completed all fields in the Schedule window, click Delivery. All fields have default values that can be changed.
- Select and enter the appropriate delivery options:
- Delivery Type – Currently, the only delivery type available in the dropdown is "Email".
Delivery Method – Select from the dropdown to include the report as a Link in the email or as an Attachment.
- Link - This will provide the report with live data at the time the recipient clicks on the link.
- Attachment - This Will be a snapshot of the data at the time the email is sent.
- Export Attachment Type – This option is only available when the Delivery Method selected is Attachment. Select the desired file type from the dropdown:
- Use Subscription Time Zone - This option is only applicable when the Delivery Method selected is Attachment. Select it to use the time zone selected in the Schedule area. When the Delivery Method selected is Link, viewers will see the report with live data.
- Email Subject – Accept the default value, which will include the report name, or enter your own text.
- Email Body - Accept the default text or enter your own.
- Filter Value Selection – If the report was designed with filters, the subscription may be created to send the report with values for those filters selected. This feature is one of the main reasons you may have multiple subscriptions on a single report.
- Once you have reviewed and completed all fields in both the Schedule and Delivery windows, click OK. The subscription is now included in the list of all subscriptions for this report.
Editing a Report Subscription
To edit an existing subscription, click the edit icon, shaped like a pencil, located in the Action column, on the right side of the screen.
Copying a Report Subscription
To copy a subscription, so that it can be modified, click the copy icon located in the Action column, located on the right side of the screen. Note that the copy can only be made for the selected report.
Deleting a Report Subscription
There are two ways to delete subscriptions.
To delete a single subscription, click the X icon located in the Action column.
To delete multiple subscriptions at once, click the check box to the left of the Instance Name for each subscription to be deleted, then click the delete icon, which looks like a trash can, and is in the upper right section of this section.
Click Print to open a new tab in your browser with a preview of the report and familiar print options.
Click Save to print the report or click Cancel to return to the active report tab.
Use this option to immediately send this report via email.
If you select Link from the dropdown in the Delivery Method field, the recipient must have a license, login, and password to Arcoro Advanced Analytics in order to view the report. You may send the report as an Attachment to any email address typed into the To or CC fields.
If the report was designed with filters, the fields included in the design are included in the Email window. You may use Filter Value Selection to limit the report to filter values selected.
Your reports can be exported to several familiar formats by clicking the desired format from the menu.
Depending on how large the report is, it may take a minute to export. When the export is complete, it may be downloaded from your browser by clicking Open File and then saving the report in the selected format.
Click Refresh to retrieve the latest data from the database and update the report. Note that the most recent data is used each time the report is opened.
Use this option to make changes to the report design.
There are five options in the Edit dropdown.
- Quick Edit – These features are used to quickly change some design aspects of a report and are further described in a separate series of articles focusing on designing a report. You must have design privileges to access design features.
- Design – This option opens the design window for the selected report. Designing reports is described in a separate series of articles focusing on designing a report. You must have design privileges to access design features.
Copy – Clicking on this option opens a window that allows you to copy the report, giving it a new name and selecting a Category and Subcategory.
Move – Use this option to move a report to a different category or subcategory.
View History – Use this option to view changes made to a report, who made them, and when they were made.
Save As
Use this option to make a copy of the report and save it as a different name in a selected category.
Type in the desired Report Name. Select Save As a Report or a Template. Select a Category and Sub-category from the dropdowns.
Use this button to cancel any changes made since the report was last saved.
Click Close to close the current window and return to the list of reports and categories.
Preview Records
This option is located under the action buttons. Select the desired number of records displayed in the report.
Scroll to the bottom of the report to advance to the next set of records or return to a previous set.
When a report is opened, there is a section for filters located above the report data. This section appears only when filters are included in the report design. The report designer may or may not have selected initial filter values. Filters are used to display a subset of the rows which meet the criteria selected in the filters.
Tip – In general, global reports cannot be changed. However, you can change the filter values.
To select filter values, click on one of the filters located at the top of the filter section. (The Report Filter Info section is for information only; you cannot change filter values there.)
Tip – If you do not see any or all the filters, you may need to widen the browser window. Or utilize the expand arrow, located to the left of the description, Filters.
Or you may need to use the small grey scroll bar, located on the far right side of the filter area.
Or you may want to expand the filter area, by using click and drag available on the borders of the filter area.
The filters displayed in the Report Filter Info section will match the filters available in the select filter values area.
Selecting Filter Values
Once the filter selection area is displayed (see above), perform the following:
- Click on the desired filter.
- Click the dropdown for that filter.
- Select the desired filter value.
- Click Apply Filter located in the upper right corner of the filter area.
- Note the report now includes only records that meet the filter criteria.
Report Filter Info
This section is informational only and shows the filters that were included in the report design and the currently selected filter values.
Selecting Multiple Filter Values
Repeat the filter value selection steps described above to use multiple filters in the report.
More than one filter value per filter is available only if the report design includes this option. If available, you will be able to click on more than one value in the dropdown.
Example of multiple filters used and also a filter with multiple values selected.
Clear Filters
To remove all filter values click Clear Filter, located in the upper left section of the filter area. Then click the adjacent Apply Filter button. Note there are no longer values listed in the Report Filter Info section.