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What is the "Clock Out" Icon on the Time Cards for ExakTime?

The "Clock Out" icon next to a stop time indicates if an employee has clocked out and will no longer be tracking their time. A "Clock Out" stop time is used by an employee and/or you to indicate that this stop time does not use the stop time of the following record. This "Clock Out" icon will commonly appear when empoyees are clocking out for a break, personal time, finished for the day, or any other situation where an employee is not tracking their work time.


This differs from other stop times as other stop times will use the start time of the following time record to help create a timeline of events and minimize how many edits you have to make. This is made evident by being grayed out and not editable. These stop times will automatically update based on whatever the start time is of the time record that follows. 

ETC - Time Card - TRA2 - Stop Time - 00.png

If you edit the time card, you will see that the "stop time" fields are not available unless you enable the  "Clock Out" checkbox. 

ETC - Time Card - TRA2 - After - 00.png

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