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Millennium Configuration - WCF Service Configuration

The WCF Service required for the Millennium EasyPay Integration requires the completion of a number of steps at the Service Bureau Location. These steps are identified below.

Registration of WCF Service Domain Name and SSL Certificate

The hosting Service Bureau must register a public Domain (i.e. and secure an SSL certificate for the domain. The HRIS Application will connect to this domain in order to interact with the Millennium Payroll Application hosted by the Service Bureau.

Installation of WCF Service on Web Server hosted by Service Bureau

The Service Bureau will be provided with run time files for the WCF Service. These files must be installed on the same server as the main Millennium Payroll Application as the WCF Service relies upon the COM Objects exposed by the Payroll Application. This server must be a publicly reachable web server running Microsoft Server 2008 or later and Internet Information Services 6.0 or later. The WCF service should run under a web site configured with the Domain Name and SSL Certificate acquired in the previous step.

The IIS Web Site must be configured for Anonymous Authentication against an Application Pool configured with an "Integrated" pipeline, Enable 32-Bit Applications must be "True", and v4.0 .NET Framework. Additionally, any perimeter firewall must be configured to allow incoming traffic on port 443 from following IP Addresses:,,,

The Server must have ASP.NET installed. To do this from the Control Panel, click Programs and then click Turn Windows features on or off which is listed under Programs and Features.


The run time files for the WCF Service should be copied to the folder to which the IIS Web Site is bound. The run time files provided consist of all of the files that are needed for the IIS Web Site.

Note: The Payroll Service Bureau is responsible for maintaining the up-time of the WCF Service. Data synchronization features will not function unless the service is reachable by the HRIS Application.

How can I Test if the End Point is reachable?

The WCF Service URL must be reachable from a standard browser. This can be tested by pasting the full End Point Address into a browser. For example, if the registered domain was, the URL (full End Point Address) that should be pasted into a browser would be:

If the End Point is reachable, then the browser will return a page similar to the image below. If the End Point is not reachable then it likely points to a DNS, Firewall, or IIS configuration issue at the host.

Please do not continue onto the next step until it is confirmed that the End Point is reachable.


Configuration of Administrator Account within Millennium to be used by WCF Service

An Administrator Account must be created within the Millennium Payroll Application that has full access within the Application. This account will be used by the WCF Service to query accounts and data within the Payroll Application.

Configuration of M3 Temp File Path

M3TempPath and M3TimeFilePath values are only needed if custom file paths are required by Service Bureau. If these are standard M3 paths then hard coded path values are not needed.


<saetting name="DSN" serializeAs="String">



<setting name="M3AdminUsername" serializeAs="String">



<setting name="M3AdminPassword" serializeAs="String">



<setting name="M3SQLDatabase" serializeAs="String">



<setting name="M3SQLServer" serializeAs="String">



<setting name="MaxJobRuntimeMinutes" serializeAs="String">



<!--Override System > Setup > Directories "Temp" path -->

<setting name="M3TempPath" serializeAs="String">

<value />


<!--Override ALL Company TimeImport Service "Filename" paths -->

<setting name="M3TimeFilePath" serializeAs="String">

<value />



Testing of WCF Service

Once the previous steps are completed, the URL and Administration Account information should be entered into the End Point Settings Tab of the Payroll Settings screen (for a Test HRIS Account) to test the WCF service and ensure that the HRIS Application is able to reach the Website. Use the "Test Connection and Version" button that screen to verify connectivity.

What to do if the Test Fails?

If the HRIS Application is not able to successfully connect to the WCF Service, then there is likely an issue with IIS Site configured to host the WCF Service. The following things should be verified or completed to try to resolve the issue:

  • Ensure the IIS Site is using an Application Pool that is running .NET 4.0 in Integrated mode
  • Ensure that ASP.Net is properly installed and registered on the IIS Server - run the following command to ensure: aspnet_regiis.exe -iru

Updating your WCF

Please follow the instructions below to update your WCF. Note that without an updated WCF, the W-4 updates will be unavailable and EZSync performance could be impaired.

  1. Connect to with an FTP client
  2. Download
  3. Connect to the local WCF host
  4. Stop the WCF web services
  5. Navigate to the WCF directory
  6. Create a backup of the current WCF directory and store it in a safe place
  7. Delete the contents within the WCF directory
  8. Unpack the contents of into the WCF directory
  9. Use the supplied Web.config and update with values from the previous installation.
    1. Line 85 – insert DSN value
    2. Line 79 – insert Millennium Admin Username
    3. Line 88 – insert Millennium Admin Password
    4. Line 91 – insert Millennium Database Name
    5. Line 94 – insert Millennium Database Server Hostname
    6. Line 97 – insert Millennium Temp Path (if applicable)
    7. Line 100 – insert Millennium Temp File Path (if applicable)
  10. Start the WCF web services

*Note - As an option, you can install the WCF next to a Millennium test database and point your InfinityHR production account at the test instance. This can be done through the End Point Settings tab under the following path: Settings>Payroll>Settings>End Point Settings. Update the URL to the Millennium test database and ensure the Account Mapping tab is linked to the correct Millennium test company.

WCF Version Updates

Version: - January 2022

The following updates will be included in the latest WCF update:

  • Paystubs loading with incorrect check date
  • Paystub sync does not include all pages
  • Compatibility with Millennium v3.29.154.2313

Version: - February 2022

The following updates will be included in the latest WCF update:

  • Millennium v3.29.156

Version: - February, 2016

  • ESS Support
  • Comp Rate End Date bug fix
  • Tax Reciprocal field was commented out as to not update from Infinity.

Version: - March, 2016

  • New WCF Method added to retrieve the most recent Millennium payroll check date by company code.
  • Called by the Infinity Pay Stub Scheduled Sync method.

Version: - April, 2016

  • Logic improvements made to Check Number processing.
  • Refined paystub processing to distinguish low order manual check numbers from regular check / voucher numbers where the regular check /voucher number may start with the manual check number—e.g., a manual check number of 2 will no longer cause an upload error if there also exists a regular check / voucher number of 201 for the same company / employee id / check date;
  • Added paystub processing to handle multiple identical manual check numbers and/or check / voucher numbers—e.g., two or more manual check numbers of 200 and/or regular check / voucher numbers of 200 will no longer cause an upload error for the same company / employee id / check date.

IHR EZPay Setup


.Net Compilation



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