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Millennium EZSync Implementation Guide - Utilities - Company Level

Company level fields now need to be loaded into the HRIS from Payroll through the payroll load utilities. Please reference Load Company Setup Data from Payroll for mapping definitions.

In order to properly install the sync, the company level load utilities MUST be run in a specific order. Start at the top of the list, and load each utility on an individual basis. Do not initiate the next load utility until you receive a Load Complete message within the HRIS. If there are errors identified, address them immediately at this step.

If the HRIS account is mapped to multiple employers in Payroll, the sync will pull data from the Master Account as determined on the Account Mapping tab. Additionally, if the HRIS is mapped to more than 1 company in payroll, the company level utilities need to be run for each master account.

For example, assume the HRIS is mapped to 2 companies in payroll: 1) ABC Company 2) 123 Business.

To properly load data into the HRIS, first select ABC Company as the Master Company on the Account Mapping tab. Run all company-level load utilities. Next, navigate back to the Account Mapping tab. Make 123 Business the Master Company. Re-run all company-level utilities for 123 Business.

Perform this same process until company-level data has been loaded from all payroll companies.

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