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Adding a Review Form - Competencies

The Competencies tab includes the measurable items for the Review Form. The Competency Categories tab allows Administrators to create general areas of measurable performance on the Review Form.

Competency Categories


A competency category needs to be made before competency can be added.

  • To add a competency category, use the Actions drop-down menu and click Add Competency Category.


  • Enter the following information:


    • Enter a Competency Category name; Example: General category for Competencies that need to be achieved by all Employees regardless of Department/Division (Required)
    • Enter a Weighting Percent for the Category; Example: 25% for the General Category. Users can create unlimited Categories, but they must equal 100% weighting (Required)
    • Provide detail about the Competency Category in the Description field, if desired. The Description can be viewed by the reviewer while completing the review by hovering over the near the Category name. (Optional)
    • Enter a Display Order for the Category to display a certain Category in the Review Form at a certain point
  • Click Save when finished.

Additional Information

  • The total of the Weighting % column should equal 100% when you are complete.


  • To edit a competency category, click the name of the category under the Category column.
  • To delete a competency category, click the checkbox towards the far right of the category, then use the Actions drop-down menu and click Delete Selected Records.



The Competencies tab allows Administrators to create specific Competencies to associate with Competency Categories.

  • From the Actions drop-down menu, click Add Competency.


  • Enter the following information:


    • Use the Category dropdown arrow to assign the Competency to the appropriate Category.
    • Enter the name of the Competency in the Competency field (Required).
    • Check the box labeled Active item in this review if you are going to use the Competency in your review. If you decide at some point to stop using a Competency, you may uncheck the box, rather than deleting the Competency.
    • Enter a Display Order; Example: 1 if the Administrator would like the Scoring Label to display at the top of the list (Required).
    • Choose whether you want to allow, require, or not allow comments by reviewers when rating the Competency in the Comment Setting section.
  • Click Save when finished.

Additional Information

  • To edit a competency, click the name under the Competency column.
  • To delete a competency, click the checkbox towards the far right of the category, then use the Actions drop-down menu and click Delete Selected Records.
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