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Adding a Review Form - Weighting/Optional Items

The Weighting/Optional Items tab allows Administrators to weigh the included sections of the Review Form. Selection of the Form Items/Tabs is at the discretion of the Administrator as some of the Form Items may not be applicable for measurement.

To set up your weighting/optional items:

  • Click the checkbox to the left of the Form Item/Tab (Required)
  • In the "Weighting %" column, enter the percentage of the overall score you want for each review item. (Required) Note: all included Form Items/Tabs weighting needs to equal 100%
  • In the "Instructions" column, enter specific instructions you want the reviewers to see for that item. (Optional)
  • Click Save when finished.

Position Goals, Personal Goals, Position Skills, and Position Training are rated with a single score. They cannot be rated individually.

Position Skills need to be updated by the employee directly from the Employee Portal and the Update My Skills link. The employee can mark the skill achieved and enter the last date used and years of experience when updating their skills. Skills cannot be marked achieved within the review.


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