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Configure Properties of Workflow in Core HR

The 'Properties' tab of a workflow allows you to set up the name/description of a workflow, its trigger, and more. 

 Deactivate, Don't Delete

It is often preferable to deactivate an old workflow when a workflow is no longer being used so that the reports can be maintained about the old workflow within the system.

Navigating to Creating a Workflow
  • Expand Settings and click Workflow Management from the menu.


  • Click the name of the workflow if editing. Otherwise, use the Actions drop-down menu and click Create Workflow.



  • Active Checkbox
  • Name - Name of the Workflow
  • Description - Description of the Workflow. The text editor can be resized by clicking and dragging the triangle in the bottom right of the editor.
  • Type - The Type field indicates whether or not instances of this workflow will be associated with an employee record in the system or not. An example of a workflow that is associated with an Employee Record is an onboarding workflow. An example of a workflow that is Not Associated with an Employee Record is a Premium Reconciliation process that is completed each month by an Administrator.
  • Trigger - The Trigger field can be used to indicate what action should cause an instance of the Workflow to be initiated. Valid Triggers include:
    • Manual – The Manual Trigger indicates that an Instance of the Workflow will be created manually either from the Instances screen or from the employee's Workflow screen.
      • If selecting a 'Manual' trigger, a drop-down will appear to select if the workflow should be available to Employees, Managers, or Admins.
      • If the Manager is selected, an additional option is presented to ‘Allow managers to delete this workflow’. This option is intended to allow a manager to delete an in-progress workflow assigned by them.
      • Please note, the 'Manual' Trigger must be selected if you are creating a workflow that links to another module (I.E. Performance Management, etc)
    • Automatic - The Action Trigger indicates that an Instance of the Workflow should automatically be created when the selected Action occurs (i.e. every time an Employee is Added).
    • Time Based - The Time Based Trigger indicates that an Instance of the Workflow should automatically be created on the Start Date specified and repeated according to the specified Frequency (i.e. every Month starting on January 1st).
      • Eligibility Rule - The Eligibility Rule field is available for Time Based Workflows that are Associated with Employee Records. This field specifies which employees will have an Instance created for them on the specified Time Interval. For more information about eligiblity rules, you can refer to the following article.
      • Frequency - If the event or activity occurs on a regular basis a frequency can be configured. For example, a Timesheet Completion Workflow could begin weekly.
      • Starting On (Date) - The Starting On Date is the date that the Workflow should become active (either through a System Event or Time)
  • Send Email Reminders - By checking this box, the system will send reminder emails to the Resources assigned to Workflow Steps that have not been completed by the specified Target Date.
    • Frequency - The Reminder Frequency represents how often a Resource will receive an email reminder when a step they are responsible for is not completed (and is past the due date).

When done, click Add/Save Workflow.

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