Creating a workflow is a simple process and can be done step by step with the steps listed below:
Recorded Webinar for Workflows
Check out a quick example of setting up a workflow.
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Navigating to Create a Workflow
- Expand Settings and click Workflow Management from the menu.
- The Workflows Management page will list previously created workflows.
- From the Actions drop-down menu, click Create Workflow.
Step 1 - Configure Properties Tab
The "Step 1 - Configure Properties" tab will be te first thing that needs to be set up for your workflow.
- Active Checkbox
- Name - Name of the Workflow
- Description - Description of the Workflow
- Type - The Type field indicates whether or not instances of this workflow will be associated with an employee record in the system or not. An example of a workflow that is associated with an Employee Record is an onboarding workflow. An example of a workflow that is Not Associated with an Employee Record is a Premium Reconciliation process that is completed each month by an Administrator.
- Trigger - The Trigger field can be used to indicate what action should cause an instance of the Workflow to be initiated. Valid Triggers include:
- Manual – The Manual Trigger indicates that an Instance of the Workflow will be created manually either from the Instances screen or from the employee's Workflow screen.
- If selecting a 'Manual' trigger, a drop-down will appear to select if the workflow should be available to Employees, Managers, or Admins.
- If the Manager is selected, an additional option is presented to ‘Allow managers to delete this workflow’. This option is intended to allow a manager to delete an in-progress workflow assigned by them.
- Please note, the 'Manual' Trigger must be selected if you are creating a workflow that links to another module (I.E. Performance Management, etc)
- If the Manager is selected, an additional option is presented to ‘Allow managers to delete this workflow’. This option is intended to allow a manager to delete an in-progress workflow assigned by them.
- Automatic - The Action Trigger indicates that an Instance of the Workflow should automatically be created when the selected Action occurs (i.e. every time an Employee is Added).
- Time Based - The Time Based Trigger indicates that an Instance of the Workflow should automatically be created on the Start Date specified and repeated according to the specified Frequency (i.e. every Month starting on January 1st).
- Eligibility Rule - The Eligibility Rule field is available for Time Based Workflows that are Associated with Employee Records. This field specifies which employees will have an Instance created for them on the specified Time Interval. For more information about eligiblity rules, you can refer to the following article.
- Frequency - If the event or activity occurs on a regular basis a frequency can be configured. For example, a Timesheet Completion Workflow could begin weekly.
- Starting On (Date) - The Starting On Date is the date that the Workflow should become active (either through a System Event or Time)
- Manual – The Manual Trigger indicates that an Instance of the Workflow will be created manually either from the Instances screen or from the employee's Workflow screen.
- Send Email Reminders - By checking this box, the system will send reminder emails to the Resources assigned to Workflow Steps that have not been completed by the specified Target Date.
- Frequency - The Reminder Frequency represents how often a Resource will receive an email reminder when a step they are responsible for is not completed (and is past the due date).
When done, click Add Workflow.
Step 2 - Configure Steps Tab
- Click the Configure Steps tab after your Workflow has been added.
- The "Step 2 - Configure Steps" tab will be blank.
- Use the Actions drop-down menu and click Add.
- Fill out the "Configure Step" tab as needed.
- Dependent Step - The Dependent Step # indicates which Step (indicated by the Step # of the Step) must first be completed before this Step should be started. If this is the first step of the Workflow, a value of zero should be entered in this field, indicating that no previous steps are to be completed before this step is started.
- Step Name
- Target Duration - The Target Duration (Days) field indicates how many days this Step should be completed within.
- Resource - The selected Resource will be responsible for completing this Step. The Resource dropdown field includes Administrators, any employee marked as a Workflow Resource, and any employee marked as a Manager (via the Employee Demographic screen).
- Eligibility Rule - The eligibility rule will determine when this step should be included in the workflow. For more information on eligibility rules, you can refer to the following article.
- Email Resource when this step is initiated - If enabled, the selected Resource will receive an Email when this step is started. The Email will include the name of the step along with the Instructions entered below.
- Include the Attached Documents (as attachments) in the Email - If enabled, any documents attached in Step 2 will be included as Attachments in the email to the Resource. The Email Resource checkbox must also be checked for this feature to be enabled.
- Automatically mark this step as complete immediately after start - If enabled, this step will be marked as complete after any email processing that is configured. This option can be used when you only wish to send an email to the selected Resource and not require the Resource to manually mark the step as complete.
- Allow documents to be uploaded within this step - If enabled, a file upload field will appear within this step allowing the assigned Resource the ability to upload documents to the system. Uploaded documents will be loaded to the Employee Documents screen.
- Allow this step to be approved or denied - If enabled, allows a user to approve/deny a workflow at the given step.
- Step Instructions - Instructions for the step.
- Click Save when finished, then expand any of the options below to further set up your step.
- Upload New Document or Select Document from Previous Step - If "Select Document from Previous Step" is selected,
- Require Electronic Signature - If enabled, the document will require an electronic signature using Adobe EchoSign in this Workflow Step.
- Allow employee to view document from Employee Portal - If enabled, the Electronically Signed Documents will be visible on the Employee Portal. Only applies if "Require Electronic Signature" is enabled.
- Name - Name of the document to be added.
- Display Order - The order that the document should be presented.
- File to Upload
When finished, click Add Document. The document will be listed below in the document list.
Select any Prefilled or EZSign form to be filled out in this step, then click Save. For assistance with setting up prefilled forms, you can refer to the following article.
Select a survey that should be completed if necessary, then click Save. For more information about creating a survey, refer to the following article.
Select a module that should be completed by the employee in the workflow step, then click Save.
Enter an email subject and body that should be appended to the workflow notification email.
After setting up your step, click Close and repeat by adding any further steps.
- Step 1: Configure Properties - Set up the basic properties for the workflow, such as the name/description of the workflow, what triggers the workflow, etc.
- Step 2: Configure Steps
- Step 2.1: Configure Steps - Configure/Add Step - Set up the steps for your workflow, such as the step name, step dependencies, instructions, etc.
- Step 2.2: Configure Steps - Attach Documents - Set up any documents that would need to be reviewed, digitally signed, etc.
- Step 2.3: Configure Steps - Prefilled/EZSign - Select a prefilled form for the user to review.
- Step 2.4: Configure Steps - Select Survey -
- Step 2.5: Configure Steps - Info Module -
- Step 2.6: Configure Steps - Email Template -