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Best Practice for Changing Your Location and/or Cost Code Throughout the Day on ExakTime Mobile

When using ExakTime Mobile, the best practice when changing your location/cost code is pressing GO to clock in and make your new selections to create a new time punch. We do not recommend clocking out to change your location/cost code in the event that you forget to clock in again.

Some prompts and steps may differ depending on what was enabled by your ExakTime administrator. If you have any questions, please consult your ExakTime administrator for best practices.

  • Press GO.


  • Select your current location from the list of active locations. The location list may also show a short list of locations that you are in the vicinity of with an EM_iOS_-_GPS_Icon_-_00.png icon towards the right of the location name.


  • Select the cost code (activity) that you will be performing.


  • Depending on your company's ExakTime Mobile settings, you may need to perform additional tasks such as entering a comment, taking a FaceFront photo, etc.
  • You should see a confirmation screen when you have finished the clock in process. You can now continue working.


  • Press GO and repeat this process throughout the day as you change locations and/or cost codes.
  • Press STOP when you are no longer tracking your time, such as for the end of the day. You do not need to press stop before clocking in to change your location and/or cost code. 

Example of a Work Day

You do not need to clock out to change your location or cost code. You should only clock out when you are either done for the day, if you are no longer tracking your time, or as instructed by your ExakTime administrator.


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