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Guides to Equipment for ExakTime

Equipment is used to help track how long an employee used a piece of equipment with their time records. This can be done by your employees in the field by selecting the equipment used while clocking in on ExakTime Mobile or in the office via Time Card Details.

We also offer a video training for this topic on Arcoro Learning.

 For Tracking

Our equipment tracking is intended to only track the duration that equipment was used. It is not designed for checking out equipment. If an employee selects a piece of equipment that they are using, it will not disappear from other employees' equipment list.

Process for Setting Up and Using Equipment

  1. Enabling and Granting Permission to Equipment - Enable equipment and grant permission to the Equipment pages and/or tracking of Equipment in ExakTime Mobile.
  2. Adding Equipment Types and Equipment - Add and manage equipment types and equipment for you and your employees.
  3. Tracking and Reviewing Equipment Usage - Track equipment usage with ExakTime Mobile or Connect and how to review the equipment usage. 
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