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Quarantined Time in ExakTime Connect

'Quarantined Time' is a menu of the 'Time Card Summary' that lists any time punches not accepted to an employee's time card due to a time card approval and/or closed pay period. Quarantined time punches will stay quarantined indefinitely until all causes of quarantining have been resolved. After the time card approvals have been removed and the pay period is reopened, all quarantined time punches will be automatically processed to the employee's time card, if possible.

Table of Contents

Grant Permission to Review Quarantined Time

Administrators will have permission to view the Quarantined Time menu by default while other ExakTime Connect security roles can be granted permission to view the Quarantined Time menu. Expand the below section for steps.

Expand for Steps to Grant Permission
  1. Go to Manage and click on Security Roles.


  2. Click the ExakTime Connect tab.


  3. Click the role that should have access or create a new role. Administrators will have the option by default.


  4. In the permissions to the right, enable access to "View Quarantined Time".


  5. Click Save at the bottom.

Understanding the Quarantined Time Menu

Navigating to Quarantined Time
  • Go to Time Cards and click Time Card Summary.


  • Click Quarantined Time from the menu. A number will indicate the number of quarantined time punches for the selected date range. 

    ETC - Time Card Summary - Navigation - Quarantined Time - 00.png

ETC - Time Card Summary - Quarantined Time - 00.png

The upper menu provides you with the following:

  • Search Bar - Filter the employee list by name or ID.
  • Date Range - Select the date range to view.

The quarantined time grid will provide the following columns:

  • Employee
    • ID - The ID of the employee the time punch is for.
    • Employee - The name of the employee.
  • Time Details
    • Date - The date and time that the time punch was created.
    • Location - The location associated with the time punch.
    • Cost Code - The cost code of the time punch. If the time punch is a clock out, "Out" will be listed.
    • Device - The name of the device used to create and send the time punch.
      • If you notice a device name consistently being listed here, you should investigate why time punches are consistently quarantined from the device.

Retrieving Quarantined Time

Your quarantined time punches can be retrieved from the 'Quarantined Time' tab to populate your employee's time cards depending on the circumstances that caused it. When the cause of the quarantined time is removed, the quarantined time will automatically populate the respective employee time card. You cannot choose which quarantined time punches will be unquarantined.

Please keep in mind that there may be situations where you may not want to retrieve quarantined time such as quarantined time for a past pay period that has been finalized.

The steps to retrieve quarantined time are detailed in the articles linked below:

Consistent Quarantined Time

If your employee's time punches are consistently being quarantined, you should investigate why the time punches are sent after your time card approvals and pay period closing. The most common causes of delayed time punches are detailed in the following dedicated article.

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