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Font Sizing In ExakTime Mobile

When using ExakTime Mobile, there may be messages to alert the user to new features, requirements, privacy policy, etc. Generally, these messages can be cleared by the employee pressing the confirmation buttons such as "Ok" or "Accept." There may be times however where the text for a message can be too large due to the font size settings and push the buttons off the screen and become inaccessible. In the event of this, we suggest temporarily changing the font display settings so the buttons are viewable and usable, then changing the font sizing back to their preferred setting.

On iOS

  • Go to the Settings of the phone.
  • Go to General.
  • Go to Accessibility.
  • Go to Larger Text.
  • Adjust font sizing at the bottom with the slider.

On Android

As there are multiple manufacturers of Android devices with differently styled interfaces/layouts, the steps below may not be exact but should give an indicator on what to do.

  • Go to the Settings of the phone.
  • Go to Display.
  • Go to Font Size and Style.
  • Adjust the font sizing with the slider.
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