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Not Receiving Any Time Punches from ExakTime Mobile

  Delayed Punches?

If you are receiving your employees' punches, but they are delayed and/or sent in batches, you can refer to Why Are My Employees ExakTime Mobile Punches Delayed?

By default, ExakTime Mobile is set to send employee punches after they have clocked in/out so you can receive a steady stream of information from the field. If you have not received employee punches as expected, go through the basic steps described in this article to determine the root cause.

Please keep in mind that even if ExakTime Mobile is unable to send the clock in/out immediately for whatever reason, the time punch will be stored and ExakTime Mobile will send any unsent punches on the next opportunity when ExakTime Mobile tries to send any records or with a sync. As long as your employees are clocking in/out and completing the process, you should receive them once the mobile device regains access to the internet and ExakTime Mobile can sync/send the data.

Table of Contents

Are Time Punches Quarantined?

If an employee's time card has been pre-maturely approved or the pay period has been closed, any time punches created by your employees will not be accepted to their time card until the cause for time quarantining is resolved. If you are using time card approvals or pay period closing, refer to the following article for more information on how quarantined time works.

Are Employees Completing the Clock In/Out Process?

Clocking in with ExakTime Mobile generally requires an employee to press GO, pick a location, and select a cost code. Depending on other options, there may be additional steps, but at the end of every "clock in" process, they should see a "Clock In Successful" message. Pressing STOP is similar but has fewer steps and will present a "Clock Out Successful" message at the end. If they do not see a "Clock In Successful" or "Clock Out Successful!" message, they have not completed the required steps and their time punch has not been created.

EM - Clocking In - 03.png EM - Clocking Out - 01.png

Are Punches on the History Tab?

If an employee has permission to the "History" menu of ExakTime Mobile, they can see the time punches they have created and if they have been sent. Punches that have been sent will have the words "Sent", while punches that have not been sent will only have the icon.

If you would like to enable "Time Record History" option for employees, you can refer to the following dedicated article.

If you do not want your employees to have permission to the "History" menu, any user with permission to the menu (such as an ExakTime Mobile Administrator) with appropriate employee viewsets can log in with their PIN on the employee's device and see all time punches created by employees. 

EM - History - 01.png

Can ExakTime Mobile Sync Normally?

By default, ExakTime Mobile is set to send punches right after they are made. If for whatever reason a punch cannot be sent, it will be stored so ExakTime Mobile can try to send it after the next clock in/out.  ExakTime Mobile will repeatedly try to send the time punch until it is successfully sent, either after a clock in/out or with a Sync.

To confirm if ExakTime Mobile can sync, press the Sync button.

This can be done by pressing the sync icon in the top right of the Time Clock screen or by pressing the menu button and Sync at the bottom. If there are any errors, it should indicate the cause of the error such as being unable to connect to the internet or insufficient coverage. We have compiled some common solutions to errors that can occur when syncing.

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Does ExakTime Mobile have access to mobile data?

ExakTime Mobile is commonly used on phones and tablets in the field which rely on mobile data from your cellular service provider to send and receive information. These Android and iOS devices allow users to disable the use of mobile data to prevent undesired data usage. This can cause issues for ExakTime Mobile as a lack of mobile data will prevent syncing and sending of time punches that ExakTime Mobile cannot circumvent or resolve on its own.

For iOS

These steps may differ depending on the iOS version, but the idea should be consistent.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Cellular.
  3. Make sure the Cellular Data is enabled towards the top of the menu.
  4. There will be a list of mobile apps if cellular data should be limited per app. Look for ExakTime to make sure that cellular data has been enabled for ExakTime.

For Android

These steps may differ depending on the device manufacturer, but the idea should be consistent.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Network & Internet or Connections
  3. Go to Data usage.
  4. Make sure Mobile Data is enabled.

Does the mobile device have internet access via Wi-Fi?

If your device has cellular data issues or relies on Wi-Fi for internet access, check if the internet is working as expected on the mobile device. For example, have the employee open the web browser, try to access any website, and see if there is an issue.

If the user is connecting to public Wi-Fi, they may need to read and accept the terms & conditions of the public Wi-Fi before being able to access the internet.

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