Once an Employee Record exists in Core HR, that Employee can be given Administrator access, allowing permissions to manage the software, make changes, update Employee records, etc. This is typically necessary for Admins or Human Resources staff who are managing their Employee data within the Core HR module.
Username/Employee Account Not Required Immediately
Only the Employee Record needs to exist. The employee's username/employee Account does not need to be generated yet.
Setting Up An Administrator
- Navigate to the Employee’s record, expand Utilities and click General from the menu or go to Utilities and click General if you are already viewing an employee profile.
- Click Set Employee as Administrator from the General page.
- Expand Setup and click Administrators from the menu.
- Be sure your Admin Status filter is set to "All" so you can see both active and inactive Administrators. When "Set Employee as Administrator" is initially clicked for an employee, they will be an Inactive admin by default.
- Click the Administrator’s name that needs to be configured.
- Go through the Settings tabs as appropriate. Once the settings are configured, click Save Settings. Details of each Settings tab are described below.
General Settings
General Settings is where you can make an administrator Active or Inactive, and set them up to be an Approval Administrator or a Contact Administrator. This is also where you will check their Homepage Permissions which will control what they see when they log into the Administration Portal.
Security Role
- The Security Role feature allows you to create and assign security roles for administrator permissions. Security roles utilize the same settings as the administrator set up and allow for roles to be configured and managed at the role level, with all updates passing to the assigned administrators.
- Security Roles are set up under Security Roles found on the Administrators page, and then can be selected when setting up Admins. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
- Additional Notes
- Once a Security Role has been assigned to an Administrator, the settings are locked and cannot be modified at the individual Administrator level. Updates will need to be managed at the Security Role level, or the employee needs to be changed to 'Not Assigned' and custom settings can be applied.
- IP address settings are defined at the Administrator level only and are not available at the role level.
- Saving changes to the Security Role settings will update all Admins assigned to the role
This is an Active Administrator - the employee can log into Administration Portal
- Checking this box changes the Admin from Inactive to Active status and allows them access to the Administration Portal.
Notify via email when employees complete Event requiring approval (administrator must have valid email address on file)
- Check this box when administrators wish to receive emails for all change events completed by employees that require administrator approval. Commonly used for New hire and Open Enrollment events.
Display this Administrator's Contact Information on the Employee Portal (employees will see this contact information)
- Used to display the Administrator's Contact Information on the Employee homepage when using the 'New Dashboard' Theme. This selection will give all employees visibility to the administrator's email, work phone, and fax number if those fields have been populated on the administrator's demographics.
- If you are not using the 'New Dashboard' theme, the Administrator Contact information can be defined under Setup > Setup Properties > Employee Portal > Company
Allow this Administrator access to the Test Site
- This test site no longer exists so this setting is not functional.
Allow this Employee access to all Employees regardless of settings on Employee Settings Tab
- Gives this Administrator access to all Employees, regardless of the settings created on the Employee Settings Tab. Using this setting makes it easier and more efficient if the Admin should have access to all employees.
Limit this Administrator's access to employees by excluding any employees who do not meet ALL of the Administrator's Employee Permissions
- If this setting is NOT checked, the Admin would have access to see employees that fall into any of the Employee Settings that are selected. For example, in the Employee Settings tab, if one box under employee type and one under cost center were selected, the Admin would be able to see EVERYONE in that employee type regardless of cost center, and everyone in that cost center regardless of employee type.
- When this setting is checked, it reverses this screen setup and PREVENTS the Admin from seeing anyone in that employee type and cost center.
- When using this setting, check the boxes that the Administrator should NOT have access to on the Employee Settings tab. The Administrator will not have access to any employee that is in any one of the checked categories listed on Employee Settings.
Hide the SSN field on the Employee Search Box and the Employee >> Employee >> Demographic Info Screen from this administrator
- Administrators with this setting checked will not have access to see Employee SSN's
This is a security administrator - able to configure and reset Multi-factor authentication
- Administrators given ‘Security’ administration rights have access to setup and adjust company multi-factor authentication settings, as well as reset employee multi-factor authentication as needed.
- Company multi-factor authentication settings are found under Setup > Setup Properties > General > Security in the menu. At least 2 Security Administrators must exist for each company if multi-factor authentication is enabled. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
Homepage Permissions - Gives the administrator additional tab access on their Admin Homepage.
Employee Settings
Employee Settings determines which employees, classified by type, department, cost center, etc. the administrator should be able to view. The permissions work on hierarchy. If an administrator has access to one employee type and no departments or cost centers, that administrator will have access to all employees under that type. If an employee is under the administrator's access in type or department, that administrator may look the individual up and see demographics, work history benefits, or any other instance allowed on page settings.
Keep in mind, if the setting on the General Settings tab above called, 'Limit this Administrator's access to employees by excluding any employees who do not meet ALL of the Administrator's Employee Permissions', it reverses how this section works.
Page Settings
Page Settings determines the menu options the Admin will see in their main Menu. Within each section, specific permissions can be selected to configure permissions even further.
IP Address Settings
IP Address Settings will only allow the administrator to access their admin portal when signing on from an IP Address listed or added on this screen. The Administrator would still be able to access their employee portal if IP Addresses had not been restricted on the employee portal.
Copy Permissions Utility
This feature allows users to copy permissions from one Admin to another. You must have at least two Administrators set up with the status of Active in order to see the Copy Permissions utility.
Follow the steps below to copy permissions from one Admin to another.
- Expand Setup and click Administrators from the menu.
- Click Copy Permissions.
- Select an administrator from the ‘Copy From’ drop-down menu.
- Select the admin profile(s) to apply the copied profile to copy to.
- Click Copy when finished.
- Click Confirm to copy the permissions from the administrator to the other(s).
- Once confirmed, the Admin permissions settings will be copied to the selected Admin(s).
The Employee Record is now set up with Administrator permissions. If this Administrator should have access to Core HR, remember to create their username/Employee Account by navigating back to the Employee's Record > Employee > Demographic Info > Account Tab.