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Using Team View on ExakTime Mobile

If enabled, Team View allows you to see where employees were when they clocked in on a map to give you an overview of where everyone is working.

Team View is not intended to be a constant employee tracking system as Team View will only show the position of the employee at the time of their clock in.

 Required for Team View

To appear in Team View, an employee must meet three basic criteria.

  1. The employee must be currently clocked in.
  2. The employee must have GPS information at the time of their clock in.
  3. The employee’s mobile device must have cellular data to send the GPS information at the time of the punch.

If an employee is clocked out, did not have GPS information when clocking in, or if the device the employee used did not have internet access at the time of clocking in, they may not appear on Team View.

  • Tap Team View from the bottom (if using iOS) or from the top (if using Android).


  • You should see a map of your general area with an indicator of when the map was last updated towards the top left. Press Update towards the top-right if you need to update the map.


  • Each pin on the map is the position of an employee at the moment of clocking in. You can tap a pin to see show the name of the employee associated with the pin.


  • Tap the magnifying glass icon EM_-_Team_View_-_Magnifying_Glass_-_00.png in the top right to search for a specific employee from a list. Tapping an employee from the list will show you the employee on the Team View map.

    EM_-_New_-_Team_View_-_03.png EM_-_New_-_Team_View_-_04.png

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