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Add and Assign Goals for Performance

Goals can be created by an employee, manager, or Administrator. Typically, goals are created and tracked for a given period of time and used to help employees work towards meeting company and career goals, job responsibilities, and more.

Navigating to Add Goals
  • Go to Manager Tools in the menu bar and click Manage Goals from your Performance module.


  • Click Add Goal.



Setting Up a Goal

  • *Employee (Required) - Select the employee(s) that will be receiving the goal.
  • *Name (Required) - The goal name and description can be the same. The best practice is to make the goal name and description different as both will appear in the Evaluations if the option "Include current goals" is selected.
  • *Description (Required) - The description field will populate into evaluations if the option to "Include current goals" is selected.
  • Require Step Tracking? - If enabled, employees will be able to track their progress toward completing a goal. A "Step Tracking" section will be added to the bottom of the page. For more information, refer to the following section.
  • *Start Date & End Date (Required) - If the Evaluation Assignment date is between the goal start date and due date, the system will pull that goal into the form
  • *Due Date (Required) - If the Evaluation Assignment date is between the goal start date and the due date, the system will pull that goal into the form
  • Incomplete/Complete 
    • *Complete Date (Required) - If the goal has been marked as complete, the manager will enter The completion date.
  • Due Date Reminder Email - This is automatically populated based on the Due Date initially. This is the date that a goal due date reminder email will be sent to the employee.

Setting Up Step Tracking

If "Step Tracking" has been enabled, an additional section will be available towards the bottom of the goal.


  • Do steps have to be completed in order? - If enabled, the steps must be completed as they are listed here. If not enabled, the employee/manager can complete the steps in any order.
  • Add Step - Add a new step and enter a name for the step.
  • menu_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48.png - Click and drag these handles to reorder the steps.
  • delete_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48.png - Click to delete a step. There is no confirmation when deleting a step.
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