Navigating to Knowledge Base Categories
From the navigation menu, click Knowledge Base under Talent Management. From Knowledge Base, click Manage Categories.
Adding a New Category/Sub-Category
- Click Add Category or select an existing category and click Add Category or Add Subcategory.
- If no category has been selected when clicking Add Category, a category will be made at the highest hierarchy.
- If a category has been selected, clicking Add Category will create a new category of the same level.
- If a category has been selected when clicking Add Subcategory, it will add a category below the selected category.
- If no category has been selected when clicking Add Category, a category will be made at the highest hierarchy.
- Enter a name for the category.
- Add additional categories and/or sub-categories.
- Click Save after finishing adding your categories/sub-categories.
Editing a Category
- Select the category and click the pencil icon to edit the name.
- Click on another category after finished editing to make further edits.
Click Save when finished.
Deleting a Category
- Select the category and click the trash can icon to delete the category.
- A confirmation will appear. Click Continue to delete the category.
- Click Save when finished.
Reordering Categories
- Click and drag a category to reorder it in your list. As you drag the category, a blue line or box will appear to show where the category will be if you let go.
- Click Save when finished.