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VETS-4212 Compliance Report for Core HR

The U.S. Department of Labor Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) and Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Programs (OFCCP) have supported affirmative actions to employ and advance in employment, "covered veterans" since 2008. As legislatively mandated under 38 U.S. Code, Section 4212, codified at 41 CFR Section 61-300, respectively, contractors and subcontractors who enter into, or modify a contract or subcontract with the federal government, and whose contract meets the criteria set forth in the above legislation/regulations, are required to report annually on their affirmative action efforts in employing veterans. VETS has a legislative requirement to collect, and make available to OFCCP, reported data contained on the VETS-4212 report for compliance enforcement.

Navigating to Compliance Reports

From the menu, expand Reports, expand Employee, and click Compliance.


Required Setup

Before running the VETS-4212 report, you will need to complete the setup page from Setup Properties. For more information on the VETS-4212 setup, you can refer to the following article.

Additional Setup

The VETS-4212 report will check for the following configuration on the employee's demographic information.

  • Employee Status - The report will include all Full time and Part Time employees based on their employee status from the Employee tab of demographic info.


  • EEO Class and Veteran check box - The EEO Class configuration will place the employee in the correct Job Category. The Veteran Check box will notify the system to review the Veteran Status. Both fields are found on the EEOC/Additional Info tab of demographic info.


  • Veteran Status - The selections from the Veteran Status tab will place the employee in the correct Veteran Category.


Running the VETS-4212 Report


  1. Filter your report by the date range and location/facility.
    • Date Range - Select the Start & End date for the desired selected period from the filter. The VETS-4212 requires a 12 month reporting period. 
    • Select Facilities - Facilities do not currently play a role in the VETS-4212 report and can be disregarded.
  2. Click Refresh Results to refresh all filter options.
  3. Click the adobepdf.gif PDF icon to download a PDF copy of your report.
  • Maximum Number Results - The results for this box are gathered by the system by first checking the Pay Roll dates entered for the report. It will begin with the start date. From this date, the system will look at the employee's status (it will only count Full Time and Part Time employees) and add them to a "total" batch. The system will do this for every single day used in the date fields. The number that will be placed in the Maximum number box will be the highest number of employees found on any single day from the date ranges used.


  • Minimum Number Results - The results for this box are gathered by the system by first checking the Pay Roll dates entered for the report. It will begin with the start date. From this date, the system will look at the employee's status (it will only count Full Time and Part Time employees) and add them to a "minimum'' batch. The system will do this for every single day used in the date fields. The number that will be placed in the Minimum number box will be the lowest number of employees found on any single day from the date ranges used.


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