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Benefit Management Participation Summary Reports

Navigating to Participation Summary Reports

From the menu, expand Reports, expand Benefit Management, and click Participation Summary.



Filtering Your Reports

Click the CHR_-_Filter_Icon.png filter icon to the right-hand side to show the menu. Select a package from the drop-down menu and enter an effective date. Click Refresh Results.


List of Available Reports

Report Name Description
Premium Summary grouped by Month ** Displays monthly summarized premium information by Benefit and Carrier.
Premium Summary grouped by Plan ** Displays monthly summarized premium information by Benefit grouped by Plan and Carrier.
Premium Summary grouped by Department and Month ** Displays monthly summarized premium information by Benefit grouped by Department.
Participation Summary Displays a breakdown of enrolled participants (count) by Benefit, Plan and Coverage Level.
Participation Summary with Premium Displays a breakdown of enrolled participants (count and premium totals) by Benefit, Plan and Coverage Level.
Participation Summary grouped by Carrier Displays a breakdown of enrolled participants (count and premium totals) by Carrier, Benefit, Plan and Coverage Level.
Participation / Volume Summary Displays a breakdown of enrolled participants (count and coverage volume) by Benefit, Plan and Coverage Level.
Participation / Age Banded Summary Displays a breakdown of enrolled participants (count, monthly premium, and coverage volume) by Benefit and Age Band. Only plans that are configured with Age-banded rates are included in this view.
Participation / Age Banded Detail Displays a detailed listing of enrolled participants (monthly premium and coverage volume) by Benefit and Age Band. Only plans that are configured with Age-banded rates are included in this view.
Participation / Age Banded Summary Grouped by Plan Carrier Code Displays a breakdown of enrolled participants (count, monthly premium, and coverage volume) by Benefit, Plan Carrier Code, and Age Band. Only plans that are configured with Age-banded rates are included in this view.
Participation / Age Banded Detail Grouped by Plan Carrier Code Displays a detailed listing of enrolled participants (monthly premium and coverage volume) by Benefit, Plan Carrier Code, and Age Band. Only plans that are configured with Age-banded rates are included in this view.
Participation / Age Banded Detail Grouped by Plan Name Displays a detailed listing of enrolled participants (monthly premium and covered salary) by Benefit, Plan Name, and Age Band.
Participation / Age Banded Detail - LTD/LTC Benefits Only Displays a detailed listing of enrolled participants (monthly premium and covered salary) by Benefit and Age Band. Only Long Term Disability and Long Term Care benefits are included in this view.
Participation / Age Banded Detail - STD Benefits Only Displays a detailed listing of enrolled participants (monthly premium and covered salary) by Benefit and Age Band. Only Short Term Disability benefits are included in this view.
Participation Summary Grouped By Plan Name - LTD/LTC Benefits Only Displays a breakdown of enrolled participants (count, monthly premium and covered salary) by Benefit and Plan Name. Only Long Term Disability and Long Term Care benefits are included in this view. Only LTD/LTC plans that are configured with Age-banded rates are included in this view.
Participation Summary Grouped By Plan Name - STD Benefits Only Displays a breakdown of enrolled participants (count, monthly premium and covered salary) by Benefit and Plan Name. Only Short Term Disability benefits are included in this view. Only STD plans that are configured with Age-banded rates are included in this view.
Marketing Census with Premiums * Displays Employee and Employee Benefit Information (including premiums) as of the selected Effective Date.
Marketing Census without Premiums * Displays Employee and Employee Benefit Information as of the selected Effective Date.
Dependent Marketing Census with Premiums * Displays Dependent and Dependent Benefit Information (including premiums) as of the selected Effective Date.
Dependent Marketing Census without Premiums * Displays Dependent and Dependent Benefit Information as of the selected Effective Date.

** Report does not use the Effective Date. Rather the report includes all data for the selected Package.

* Report does not use the selected Package. Rather the report includes all data for the selected Effective Date.

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