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Benefit Management Billing/Reconciliation Reports

The Billing/Reconciliation report details all benefit premiums for each of the employee’s selected benefits as of a specific effective date. This report also gives a count of the employees for each benefit as well as a total premium amount. The Billing/Reconciliation report allows administrators and stakeholders to review benefit premiums per employee benefit with a total premium amount on the report.

Navigating to Billing/Reconciliation Reports

From the menu, expand Reports, expand Benefit Management, and click Billing/Reconciliation.



Data needed to populate report:

  • All required fields in Employee Demographic screen
  • Benefit premiums.

How to Run the Billing/Reconciliation Report

  1. Click the CHR_-_Filter_Icon.png filter icon to the right-hand side.


  2. Select the year from the drop-down menu. Click Results.


  3. Click the adobepdf.gif PDF and/or excel.gif Excel icons to download and review your reports.


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