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Employee Time Card Troubleshooting for Core HR

TLMTS0001 – Duplicate Clock-in Punches through Employee Portal

Issue: An additional clock-in punch is sometimes generated when employees clock in from the Employee Portal

Cause: Although the clock-in button will gray out once the punch is recorded, it can still respond to commands while it is processing the punch. Variance in internet connection speeds can prolong the period in-which the button remains active.

Resolution: Ensure employees only click the clock-in button once. Advise employees that the button does not require double clicking to record their clock-in.

TLMTS0002 - Employee Unable to Submit Time

Issue: When signing into the Employee Portal the employee is unable to clock in/out or submit their time card.

Cause: The most specific cause would be that an entry type has not been assigned and so the system does not know which interface to display for the employee. Confirming the other configuration settings is a best practice.

Resolution: Confirm that all necessary configuration options have been set for that employee. The employee should have a pay schedule and time manager assigned under the employee demographic screen. They also need their Time Entry Type assigned under Settings>Time and Attendance>Settings>Entry Assignments. You should also confirm that a Pay Group has been assigned.

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