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Holidays & Blackout Dates for Employee Profile in Core HR

The Holidays & Blackout Dates tab allows you to review the holidays and blackouts days for the company. This can help when planning an employee's time off request.

These dates are configured from the related tabs on the Time Off Settings page.:

Expand for Navigation to Holidays and Blackouts Tab

Expand 'employees', expand 'Time and Labor Mgmt', then click Time Off, then click the Holidays & Blackout Dates tab. If you are viewing the employee profile, hover over 'Time & Labor', then click Time Off, then click the Holidays & Blackouts Dates tab.


CHR - Employee - Time Off - Tabs - Holiday - 00.png


  • The 'Holidays' section will list the date and the description of the holiday.
  • The 'Blackout Dates' section will list the date and a description of the blackout date.
  • Clicking the CHR - Filter Icon.png filter icon allows you to filter the holidays and blackout dates to the specified year.

    CHR - Employee - Time Off - Holdays Blackout Dates Filter - 00.png

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