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Policy Activation Settings for Onboarding Policies

After adding your policies to Onboarding, you can specify when a policy should appear for certain locations and/or job titles. This can allow you to provide unique/separate policy paperwork for your employees such as for Union/Non-Union or State specific policies.

We offer a video training for this topic on Arcoro Learning.

Navigating to Onboarding Policies
  • Click Administration from the top menu bar of Onboarding.


  • In the Administration menu, click the Policies tab.



Policy Activation Settings

  1. Click the ... button from the Action column.


  2. Click Policy Activation Settings.


  3. Use the checkboxes for the Locations and Job Titles that should view the policy.


  4. Click Save when finished.
  5. When employees for a given location/job title complete their paperwork, they should be presented with the appropriate policies.
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