Module Navigation

Available Permissions for Custom Roles in Talent Management

When creating or modifying a custom role, you can adjust the permission of the role to suit your company's needs.

Expand for Navigation Steps to Custom Roles
  1. From Talent Management, click Account Admin from the menu near the top-right.


  2. Click Company Setup to open the menu, then click Custom Roles.


  3. The Custom Roles page will list previously made custom roles with columns for adding permissions to a custom role.


  4. Click Add from the column to open the menu and add permissions to the role.


Current Permissions

Permission Description
Complete Project Reviews Allows a user to complete project reviews and to view their own completed evaluations.
Evaluations Manage Own Goals Allows a student to add their own goals in Evaluations
Knowledge Base Admin Ability to administrate Knowledge Base module
LMS - Approve Training History Allows a training admin to view and approve pending course history requests.
LMS - Manage Catalog Restrictions Allows a training admin to manage course catalog restrictions.
Manage Permissions Ability to Manage Permissions
Manage Project Reviews Allows a user to create project reviews, add projects, assign evaluations to projects, and review all completed evaluations.
Restricted LMS Admin Restricts a user with an LMS Admin Role.
The user cannot:
• Activate/Deactivate Courses in the Catalog
• Create Classes
• Create Courses
• Create or Edit Instructors
Succession Has Access To Module Has Access to Succession Module
Succession Menu Development Plans Enables the Development Plans menu item within the succession module. This allows for the ability to create Development Plans for students.
Succession Menu Talent Matrix Enables the Talent Matrix menu item within the succession module.
Succession Menu Talent Slate Enables the Talent Slate menu item within the succession module.
Succession Planning Admin Ability to administrate Succession Planning Module
Succession Tab Assessments Ability to view the Assessments tab within the succession tools.
Succession Tab Career Preferences Ability to view the Career Preferences tab within the succession tools.
Succession Tab Dashboard Ability to view the Dashboard tab within the succession tools.
Succession Tab Evaluations Ability to view the Evaluations tab within the succession tools.
Succession Tab Org Chart Ability to view the Org Chart tab within succession tools.
Succession Tab Scorecards Ability to view the Scorecards tab within the succession tools.
Succession Tab Succession Plans Ability to view the Succession Plans tab within the succession tools.
Succession Tab Training Ability to view the Training tab within the succession tools.
Succession Tab Development Plans Ability to view the Development Plans tab within the succession tools.

Non-Functional Permissions

The following permissions have been depreciated and do not function.

Permission Description
Approval Queue: Post Form Approvals - Edit Form Approval Queue: Post Form Approvals - Edit Form
Can Impersonate Ability to impersonate other users.
Can Receive Transferred Evaluation Ability to Receive a Transferred Evaluation
Can Transfer Evaluation Ability to Transfer an Evaluation
Dashboard Ability to visit and manipulate the dashboard
Delete Employee Images Ability to delete employee images
District Ability to see district widgets
Evaluations Ability to see all evaluations
HRnotes Ability to see HR notes
Inspection Ability to see Inspection Module
Inspection Admin Ability to full admin rights within Inspection Module
Inspection Has Permission to Sign for Location Ability to sign off on Inspection for their CompanyLocationID
LastRaiseAmount Ability to see the last raise amount
Mystery Shopper Ability to access Mystery Shopper Module
Mystery Shopper Admin Ability to administrate Mystery Shopper module
Mystery Shopper Link Employee to Shop Ability to associate a specific employee to the mystery shop being completed.
Proctor All Tests Ability to proctor all tests
Proctor Subordinates Ability to proctor subordinate tests
Salary Ability to see salaries
Ability to see subordinates' evaluations Ability to see subordinates' evaluations
Ability to see subordinates' salaries Ability to see subordinates' salaries
Success Notes Has Access To Module Has Access to Success Notes Module
Success Notes Moderator Ability to Moderate posts in Success Notes
Succession View Only Self Restricts visibility to only the logged-in user
Succession View Only Subordinates Allows for viewing of ONLY subordinates within the succession module.
Succession View Only Self Restricts visibility to only the logged-in user
Succession View Only Subordinates Allows for viewing of ONLY subordinates within the succession module.
SuperUser Permission to do everything
TMS Ability to visit and manipulate the dashboard
Training Log Has Access To Mobile Has Access to Training Log Module
View All People Allows a user to view all employees on the People page.
View All Tests Ability to see all tests
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