Module Navigation

Payroll Utilities - Load W2's from Payroll for Core HR

This utility will load completed W2's from the Payroll Provider into Core HR. This utility provides the ability to load W2's into Core HR from Payroll for the selected year. W2's loaded through this utility will be associated with an Employee Record and can be found via the Documents submenu available from the Employee Menu. Before this utility can be executed, Employee data must first exist in Core HR in order for the W2 to be loaded against an Employee record.

Mapping relationships must first be configured under the Account Mapping section in order for the filters to display and work properly.

Expand for Navigation Steps to Payroll Utilities
  1. Expand 'Settings' and click Payroll from the menu.

    CHR - Settings - Menu - Payroll - 00.png

  2. Click Utilities from the menu bar.

    CHR - Settings - Payroll - Menu Bar - Utilities - 00.png

  3. Click the Load W2's from Payroll tab.

    CHR - Settings - Payroll - Utilties - Tabs - Load W2 - 00.png

CHR - Settings - Payroll - Utilties - Load W2 - 00.png

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