Module Navigation

General Settings for Time & Attendance in Core HR

The General Settings tab contains various settings for affecting general access to features within time and attendance.

Expand for Navigation Steps to Settings
  1. Expand Settings, expand Time & Labor Mgmt, and click Time and Attendance from the menu.

    Settings - Menu - Time Attendance - 01.png

  2. Click Settings from the menu bar.

    CHR - Time and Attendance - Menu Bar - Settings - 00.png

Acknowledgment Text


The Submit Time Card - Acknowledgement Text will appear above the button on the employee's time card. It will hold 494 characters.

Timesheet Settings


  • Time Sheet Start Date - The Time Sheet Start will limit access to time sheet cards prior to the date specified. If the date specified is in the future it will limit access to View/Manage Time link from the employee portal. The system also checks for a date in this field to determine if the module is active.
  • Week Start Day - Used for calculating weekly overtime/doubletime. The threshold is specified within the overtime rule tab of the pay group.
  • Max Punch Duration - Once entered, will generate an informational alert within the time and attendance dashboard if a time clock transaction exceeds the specified duration. The system will generate alerts for missing or overlapping punches by default, this max punch duration alert is useful if employees are remembering to clock out late (which will clear the missing punch alert) or if certain length transactions require approval and extra attention should be called to them.

Default New Hire Settings


The Default New Hire Settings will automatically assign entry assignment values to new employees being added to the system. Adjusting these settings will not update employees already loaded to the HR system. To adjust existing employees navigate to the Entry Assignments tab.

General and Administrator Settings


  • Enable Administrator Shift Scheduling - Provides admin level access to the scheduling tool. For more information on using the scheduling tool see: Scheduling
  • Enable Administrator Custom Pay Rate - Configuration provides admin level access to custom pay rate configuration, which triggers override rate when employees record time against specified projects/cost centers. For more information on creating custom pay rates see: Custom Pay Rates
  • Hide the Submit Timecard Tab - Removes the submit timecard tab from all timecard views. This can be used if the employee will not be required to mark their timecards as submit. The submit timecard tab does also dsiplay the acknowledgement text described above as well have options for downloading an external copy of the employee's timecard, both are also hidden if the tab is disabled.
  • Enabled integrated Expense Tracking Tab on time card - Enables access to expense reports as an additional tab within the timecard view. Expense tracking is a separate module that must be configured for this integrated feature to function. For more details regarding the expense tracking module see: Expense Tracking

Software Timeclock Display


  • Enable Break In option of Time Clock - Adds an additional option for employees clocking in and out through the employee portal or separate web clock site to allow them to specify when they are moving to break.
  • Enable Lunch In option of Time Clock - Adds an additional option for employees clocking in and out through the employee portal or separate web clock site to allow them to specify when they are moving to lunch.
  • Disable the Time Clock on Employee Portal - Removes the options for clocking in and out from the employee portal and is used if the employees will be clocking only from the separate web clock or hardware time clock.

Timesheet/Time Clock Project/Cost Center Entry


Timesheet Project/Cost Center Entry and Time Clock Project/Cost Center Entry enables assigning project or cost center values to employees for use when recording time. Which values are usable by each employee are assigned on the Project/Cost Center Assignments tab. The cost centers are the same cost center available for demographic use and are added to the system in setup properties. Projects are created on the project management tab of time and attendance settings.

Enable entry of select Project/Cost Center on hardware Time Clock will allow the use of one category of values (project, cost center 1, etc) when recording time through the hardware clock. Employees using this feature would select "Work Code" on the clock in lieu of "clock in" and choose from the list of available values. The hardware clock will not enforce employee specific assignments.

Manager Settings


  • Do not allow Managers to assign projects to employees from Employee Portal - Removes the project/cost center assignment tab from the manager view of time and attendance, preventing them from adjusting what values can be used by the employee when recording time.
  • Enable Shift Scheduling - Provides manager level access to the scheduling tool. For more information on using the scheduling tool see: Scheduling
  • Enable Custom Pay Rate Configuration - Provides manager level access to custom pay rate configuration, which triggers override rate when employees record time against specified projects/cost centers. For more information on creating custom pay rates see: Custom Pay Rates
  • Enable Pay Amount Viewing - Displays the calculated pay amount for time transactions on the manager view of employee time cards.
  • Enable Pay Amount Editing - Allows managers to access the pay rate details and alter which pre-built pay rate applies to an employee's transaction.
  • Enable Time Off Detail Editing - Adds a tab to the managers view of employee time cards that mirrors the time off detail tab available in the time off tracking module. Allows managers to create and edit off transactions from the time card.
  • Enable Pay Transactions Viewing - Adds a tab to the managers view of employee time cards that displays the compensation transaction tab available in the compensation screen for employees within the admin portal. Allows managers to view compensation transactions that have been entered for the employee.
  • Enable Pay Transactions Editing - Adds a tab to the managers view of employee time cards that mirrors the compensation transaction tab available in the compensation screen for employees within the admin portal. Allows managers to create or edit compensation transactions for the employee.
  • Do not allow Managers to edit time cards once they are approved - Prevents managers from editing time cards once they have marked the card as approved. Managers are able to withdraw approval in order to make additional edits.
  • Allow Managers to manage employees of downstream Managers - Allows managers to filter the time card view by lower level managers and review time card data of their direct reports.

Employee Settings


  • Enable Employee Pay Amount Viewing - Will display the calculated pay amount for time transactions on the employee view of time cards.
  • Enable Pay Transactions Viewing - Adds a tab to the employee's view of time cards that displays the compensation transaction tab available in the compensation screen for employees within the admin portal. This tab is a read only version of the pay transactions screen.
  • Enable Employee Report Viewing - Will add a pay period reports tab to the employee view of time cards. The only report available to employees is the employee schedule.
  • Hide the Current Day's Punches - Disables the grid displaying current day's punches from the employee portal directly beneath the clock in and clock out buttons. Transactions will still be visible from the time card view.
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