The Time Groups tab provides the ability to define groups of users that share common policies for rounding rules, overtime rules, and shift rules. Each employee reporting time within the HRIS must be assigned a Time Group to distribute hours correctly. At least one Time Group must be configured in order to assign employees and utilize the Time and Attendance module.
To specify details of an existing Time Group click on the Time Group name.
From the Actions drop-down menu, you can:
- Create Time Group
- Delete Selected Time Groups
General Properties
The General Properties Tab of the time group screen provides general configuration settings for the selected time group or when adding a new time group.
- Name - Required when creating your time group.
- Description - Not required however the field can be used for any additional details.
- Pay Rates - The Pay Rate fields display Pay Rates created on the Pay Rates Tab. The Pay Rate selection on this Tab will be used to calculate pay for a transaction based on Overtime Rules created. Hours designated by the overtime rule as regular will calculate using the rate assigned to the regular pay rate drop down. Similarly hours identified by the overtime rules as overtime or double time will be calculated using the rates in the corresponding drop down fields. These rates are the default rates applying to employee transactions assigned to this time group. Shift level rates and custom pay rates can override these default rates. Rates are not required to configure time groups.
- Additional pay rates can be assigned in the pay rate 2 and 3 drop down fields. If rates are assigned to these drops downs they will be calculated in addition to the other rates assigned. This can be used to split out multi-part rates as separate earning line items on custom exports.
- Holiday Regular Pay Rate - Allows you to promote the Pay Rate for Regular Hours when a user works on a Holiday. The specified holiday rate will be used when a transaction is recorded on a date that is defined as a holiday in Time Off Tracking and the employee has a time off transaction of taken/granted on that date. If the time off transaction is deleted prior to the rate calculating, it will use the regular time group rate instead.
- Time Clock Regular and Rest Period Round Rule/Time Clock Meal Break Rounding Rule - Determines how Time Clock Transactions of type "Regular", "Rest Period" and "Meal Break" should be rounded.
- The 3 minute interval will round back up to 1 minute and 59 seconds, and round forward after the 2 minute mark.
- The 5 minute interval will round back up to 2 minute and 59 seconds, and round forward after the 3 minute mark.
- The 10 minute interval will round back up to 4 minute and 59 seconds, and round forward after the 5 minute mark.
- The 15 minute interval will round back up to 7 minute and 59 seconds, and round forward after the 8 minute mark.
- The 30 minute interval will round back up to 15 minute and 59 seconds, and round forward after the 16 minute mark.
- Shift Promotion Rule - Only applicable when Shifts are defined for a time group. This field determines how Pay Rates should be calculated when a Time Clock Transaction spans more than a single shift. The rule applies to each transaction separately and will not consider multiple transactions in a single day as one transaction.
Overtime Rules
The Overtime Rules Tab of the time group defines how Overtime will be calculated within the Module. A time group can have only one Overtime Rule per State.
- State - Drop-down menu to specify the state the rule will be effective for. The application will use the Home State field on the Employee Demographic screen to determine which rule to use for a given user.
- Max Daily Hours (OT) - Used to specify max hours in a day of regular time. Any hours in excess of this limit will be considered overtime, unless daily double time is specified.
- Max Daily Hours by Schedule - Will use the total scheduled hours within the scheduling tab as the daily limit. The scheduling feature requires advanced service activation.
- Max Weekly Hours (OT) - Used to specify max hours in a week of regular time. Any hours in excess of this limit will be considered overtime, unless weekly double time is specified. The start of the week is determined by the week start day specified on the general settings tab of time and attendance.
- Max Daily Hours (DT) - Used to specify max hours in a day of regular/overtime. Any hours in excess of this limit will be considered double time.
- Max Weekly Hours (DT) - Used to specify max hours in a week of regular/overtime. Any hours in excess of this limit will be considered double time.
- 7th Consecutive Day is OT - Used to specify if an employee's 7-days in a row
The start of the week is determined by the week start day specified on the General Settings tab of Time and Attendance.
Multiple time groups will be required if employees in the same state have differing overtime rules.
The Actions drop-down menu will allow you to:
- Add Overtime Rule
- Delete Overtime Rule(s)
The Shifts Tab provides the ability to define Work Shifts for the selected time group. The shift allows for the configuration of rules that will impact transactions occurring during the designated shift times. Shifts are not required within the Module, but if more than one Shift is defined, the Start and End Times of the Shifts should not overlap within a single time group.
From the Actions drop-down menu, you can:
- Create a Shift
- Delete a Shift
General Properties
The General Properties tab of the shift provides options to apply rates and rounding to transactions.
- Name - Must be specified when creating a shift
- Description - Not required however the field can be used for any additional details.
- Pay Rates - The Pay Rate fields display Pay Rates created on the Pay Rates Tab. The Pay Rate selection on this Tab will be used to calculate pay for transactions during the specified shift times based on Overtime Rules created. Hours designated by the overtime rule as regular will calculate using the rate assigned to the regular pay rate drop-down. Similarly, hours identified by the overtime rules as overtime or double time will be calculated using the rates in the corresponding drop-down fields. These rates will override the rates specified on the General Properties of the time group for hours that fall within the designated shift time. Rates do not need to be specified on the shift if the hours are not promoted to new rates during the shift period.
- Additional pay rates can be assigned in the pay rate 2 and 3 drop-down fields. If rates are assigned to these drops downs they will be calculated in addition to the other rates assigned. This can be used to split out multi-part rates as separate earning line items on custom exports.
- Round Clock In and Clock Out times to Shift Start and End Times - The shift can be configured to round punches to the start or end of shift.
- Grace Period Before Shift Start (minutes) - Punches occurring within the number of minutes specified in the Grace Period Before Shift Start field, prior to the start of the shift, will be rounded to shift start.
- Grace Period Before End Shift End (minutes) - Punches occurring within the number of minutes specified in the Grace Period Before Shift End field, after the end of the shift, will be rounded to shift end.
Start/End Times
The Start/End Times tab is used to specify the range of times the system will utilize shift level rules.
- When building the shift times the day must be checked in the Include column.
- The times must be entered in a recognizable time format.
- The split times can be used to allow for a gap in the day when the shift rules should not apply.
- When building overnight shifts, utilize split shifts to account for the morning and evening hours for each day.
Meal Break Rules
The Meal Break Rules tab provides options for auto meal-deductions, enforcing meal-break minimum length.
- Autogenerate a Meal Break Punch for each day included in this Shift if a Meal Break Punch does not exist - If enabled, the system will automatically deduct the number of minutes specified in the Meal Deduction field.
- Meal Deduction (minutes) - Minutes to deduct for meals.
- Minimum Regular Length (minutes) - The deduction will only occur if a transaction exists that exceeds the length of time specified in the Minimum Regular Length field, without any breaks.
- Minimum Meal Length (minutes) - Used to prevent employees from clocking in through the employee portal or standalone web clock if the minimum length has not been reached. This feature functions only if the employee is utilizing the Lunch in button to indicate they are clocked to lunch. It does not affect punches recorded through the hardware time clock.
- Maximum Meal Length (minutes) - Lunch transactions that exceed the specified Maximum Meal Length will generate an informational alert. This feature functions only if the employee is utilizing the Lunch in button to indicate they are clocked to lunch.
Break/Rest Period Rules
The Break/Rest Period Rules tab provides options for generating alerts for paid breaks.
- Enable Break/Rest Period Alerts for each day included in this Shift - If enabled, will activate the alerts function.
- Alerts will only generate if employees are using the Break-In button to indicate they are on break.
- Minimum # of Breaks per Shift/Maximum # of Breaks per Shift - Alerts will generate if the number of breaks does not reach the value specified in the Minimum # of Breaks per Shift field or exceed the number specified in the Maximum # of Breaks per Shift field.
- Minimum Rest Period Length (minutes)/Maximum Rest Period Length - Alerts will generate if the length of breaks do not reach the value specified in the Minimum Rest Period Length field or exceed the value specified in the Maximum Rest Period Length field.