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Time & Attendance Settings - Pay Rates


Pay Rates are used to calculate pay amounts. Pay Rates are not required to record time in the system and are only configurable if using the advanced features associated with Service Activation. If you intend to configure Pay Rates it is the best place to begin configuring your Time and Attendance settings. If you will not be using Pay Rates, skip to Pay Groups.

In addition to allowing the software to calculate pay amounts, pay rates also provide additional identifiers for time transactions. This can be used to identify hours that are promoted based on shift or holiday.

From the Actions drop-down menu, you can:


  • Create Pay Rate
  • Delete Selected Pay Rates

Creating a Pay Rate

  • From the Actions drop-down menu, click Create Pay Rate.
  • Enter the following information:


    • Pay Rate Name -  To create a pay rate a name must be specified. This name will be associated with the rate calculation displayed on the employee time card. If time and attendance is configured to display pay rates to employees and managers, this name will also be visible.
    • Earning Code - The earnings code does not need to be specified to create a pay rate, however it should be specified if the hours will be exported and imported to payroll. The earnings code will be used to identify the hours in the export. This value should match the payroll code.
    • Pay Code - The pay code is a value populated from the EZsync functionality. It is not required to create a pay rate.
    • Description - The description field is available to provide any additional notes or details regarding this pay rate. It is not required to create the pay rate.
    • Pay Rate Calculation - The pay rate calculation determines how the time card will calculate the dollar amount for time transactions associated with the pay rate.
      • Base hourly rate uses the hourly rate from the employee's compensation data to calculate the pay amount on the time card and is generally used for regular hours.
      • Base hourly rate multiplied by factor uses the hourly rate from the employee's compensation data and multiplies it by the value provided in the pay rate factor field and is most often used for overtime and double time hours.
      • Base hourly rate plus flat rate uses the hourly rate from the employee's compensation data and adds the value provided in the pay rate flat rate field. This is commonly used for rates involving a premium, like an overnight shift premium.
      • (Base hourly rate plus flat rate) multiplied by factor uses the hourly rate from the employee's compensation data, adds the value provided in the pay rate flat rate field then multiplies the sum by the value provided in the pay rate factor field. This is generally used for overtime or double time calculations for shift based premium rates.
      • (Base hourly multiplied by factor) plus flat rate uses the hourly rate from the employee's compensation data, multiplies by the value provided in the pay rate factor field, then adds the value provided in the pay rate flat rate field. This is also used for overtime/double time during premium shifts.
      • Flat rate uses only the value provided in the pay rate flat rate field. This is used when wanting to split out premiums from the base rate or to create custom rates.
  • When finished, click Save Pay Rate.
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