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Time Off Types for Time Off Tracking in Core HR

Time off types are used to define the types of time off for employees, such as, "Vacation" and "Sick-Leave". There are no “Default” time off types in the system. All time off types will need to be added. Not all time off types have to accrue, so add any types that you would like to track time off against e.g., Jury Duty, Bereavement, Unpaid, etc.

Table of Contents

Navigating to Time Off Tracking Time Off Types Settings
  • Expand Settings, expand Time and Labor Mgmt and click Time Off Tracking from the menu.


  • Click Settings at the top menu bar.


  • Click the Time Off Types tab.



Time Off Type Options


  • Type - Name of the time off type.
  • Display Order - Determines the order of the time off types in drop down menus, when filtering by or creating time off type records.
  • Eligibility Rules - Th eligibility rule for a time off type will determine the visibility of the time off type within the interface. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
    • When reviewing time off data for an employee that does not pass the eligibility rule for a time off type, the type will not be visible.
    • Back-end processes will still be able to create transactions for the employee regardless of eligibility on the time off type level.
    • This can be used to create a time off type that is not visible to employees even though they are accruing a balance. For example, a time off type could begin accruing immediately at hire but the time off type eligibility indicates it will not become visible to the employee until 90 days of service.
  • Pay Rate - A feature for time and attendance that can be applied to time off transactions. Applying a pay rate will allow the time card to calculate dollar amounts for time off records. The pay rate must first be created in the Time and Attendance module. For more information on this, you can refer to this article.
  • Dependent Type - This can be used to indicate that the time off type should deduct from an existing type's balance.
    • This dependency will be visible on the time off summary tab as well as custom exports run for balances, but is not reflected in the time off detail records.
    • If the parent type has a mid-year carry forward date, an accrual must be created for the dependent type to force it to carry forward on the same date.



  • Employees can request time off against this Type from the Employee Portal - Determines if the time off type is an available selection in the request details when employees submit time off requests.
  • Include this Type on the Time Off Summary Tab on the Employee Portal - Determines if a time off type will be displayed in the time off summary table available from the employee portal. The summary table displays total carried forward, accrued, requested, granted, taken, and units remaining for the specified type. Any time off type that has a balance or affects a balance should be marked as included in the time off summary tab, including dependent time off types.
  • This Type is unpaid and should not be included in Regular Paid Hours - A display setting where time off hours are totaled when populating on an employee's time card. Time card summary displays time off hours as either paid or unpaid. This setting does not dictate whether or not an employee will be paid for hours, only where the hours are displaying in time card summaries.
  • This Type is eligible for Over Time - Used to indicate if time and attendance should consider taken or granted hours of the specified type when calculating weekly overtime. The time off hours will not be promoted to overtime, but if overtime is reached as a result of eligible time off hours regular worked hours on the time card will be adjusted to account for the overtime. Overtime will not be calculated if a week contains no worked hours to promote to overtime.
  • This Type is eligible for Extend Leave tracking - If enabled, will make the type available as a label for extended leave records within the employee profile from the admin portal, under time off tracking.
  • Employees cannot submit time off requests if balance is negative - If enabled, if an employee's time off balance is negative, they cannot submit time off requests.

Adding a Time Off Type

  • Enter the information for the time off type. For more information on the available fields, refer to the Time Off Type Options section.


  • Click Save Type.
  • After saving the time off type, it will be listed in the table/list below.


Editing an Existing Time Off Type

Existing Time Off Types will populate in the table at the bottom of the screen. 

  • Click the name of the Time Off Type to edit.


  • The information for the time off types will appear in the time off type options. Make any necessary edits to the time off type. For more information on the available fields, refer to the Time Off Type Options section.


  • Click Save Type when finished. 

Deleting an Existing Time Off Type

Time off types can only be deleted if no transactions exist in the system for a given time off type. To avoid any loss of data, the system will present an error if an attempt is made to delete a time off type with transactions.

  • Use the check box towards the right-hand side of the time off type(s) populating your time off types list.


  • Use the Actions drop-down menu and click Delete Selected Records.


  • Confirm the deletion of the time off type(s).


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