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How To Merge Locations in ExakTime

'Merge Locations' allows you to merge multiple locations into a single location. As locations are added, there may be a chance for duplicates of a location to be added due to different spelling. As employees may select the wrong location, we have added a function that allows you to merge locations into a another for consolidation. Any locations that were merged into another location will be removed from ExakTime Connect.

 Merges Are Permanent

If locations have been merged, they CANNOT be unmerged. Only merge locations if you are absolutely sure it is necessary.

Table of Contents

How Merging Locations Impact Existing Entities

After locations have been merged, any existing data using those original locations will be updated to the location they were merged into.

  • The following items will update their original location(s) to the location that they were merged into:
    • Time Records
    • Expenses
    • Equipment
    • Field Notes
  • Any pictures associated with an old location will be added to the pictures of the location they were merged into.
  • Any cost codes that were viewsetted for an old location(s) will be consolidated into the location they were merged into.

When referring to any old reporting, keep in mind any locations merged between the previous and current reporting. As locations are being changed/updated, hours may not appear consistent.

In the example below, the original locations of the time records have been updated to the location they were merged into:

How To Merge Locations (360022632314)_Locations_-_Merge_Locations_-_Time_Change_Example.png

Allowing Permission To Merge Locations

To only allow certain users to Merge Locations, you can tailor the ability within Security Roles. Administrators will have permanent access to this by default.

  1. Go to Manage and click Security Roles.

    ETC - Menu - Manage - Security Roles - 00.png

  2. Click on ExakTime Connect.

    ETC - Security Roles - Connect - Members - 02.png

  3. Click on the role that should have access or create a new role. Administrators will have the option by default.

    ETC - Security Roles - Mobile Connect - 00.png

  4. Enable the permission for Merge Locations.


  5. Press Save when finished.

How to Merge Locations

  1. Go to Manage and click Locations.

    ETC - Menu - Manage - 03.png

  2. Click Merge Locations. A menu will appear to start the process.


  3. You will select the locations that you should be merged into another location. Click Next when done.


  4. You will then select the location that the previously selected locations will be merged into. Click Next when ready.
    • If a location is not listed as an option to merge into, check the cost code viewset for the location. If the location has only inactive cost codes in its viewset, you must select an active cost code for the viewset or set the viewset to 'All cost codes' and try again.


  5. You will review the locations that will be merged, the location they will be merged into, and a warning that it cannot be undone. If everything appears correct, click Merge Locations.


  6. You will receive the following message that your locations are being merged and an email will be sent to the email of the user currently logged in once the locations have been completely merged.



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