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Location Viewsets (Limiting The Cost Codes Allowed For a Location)

'Viewsets' for a Location is an option that limits the cost codes that can be used with a location in ExakTime Connect and ExakTime Mobile. This can help you and your employees if you have a unique set of cost codes to track for your locations, such as a standard set of cost codes for regular work and a set of prevailing wage cost codes for certified locations. By default, locations are set to allow all active cost codes to be used with the location. 

An alternative to viewsets is 'Groups' which allow you to 'group' up cost codes for employees to help guide them on what to use. If you are interested in learning more about the differences between viewsets are groups, you can refer to the following article.

  1. Go to Manage from the menu bar and click Locations.

    ETC - Menu - Manage - 03.png

  2. Click the small pencil icon to the left of a location name to look at their details.

    ETC - Field Notes - Location - 04.png

  3. Click on Viewsets.

    ETC - Locations - Viewsets - 01.png

  4. Enable 'Selected cost codes' and specify what cost codes can be used with this location.

    ETC - Locations - Viewsets - 02.png

  5. Click Save when finished. 
  6. Your employees must sync their copies of ExakTime Mobile before these changes are recognized. 
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