Custom allows you to import data using a non-standard import format, as well as the option to automate the process of importing data from an SFTP Server.
Custom imports allow the import of data using a non-standard import format, as well as the option to automate the process of importing data from an SFTP Server. For example, the data that comes from the Onboarding to Core HR module uses a scheduled, Custom Import to import data from Onboarding into certain fields in the Core HR platform.
For example, a Custom Import Type of "Employee" can be used to only import (or update) email addresses in Core using two columns of data in a Microsoft Excel File (Column A = Employee ID, Column B = Email Address). By creating a Custom Import with only these two columns mapped on the Field Mappings Tab, this Custom Import can then be referenced from the Standard Imports screen by selecting "Custom Import" as the Import Type and then selecting the desired Custom Import.
We also offer a video training for this topic on Arcoro Learning.
Expand Data, expand Imports, and click Custom from the menu.
Supported File Types
The following file formats are currently supported:
- Microsoft Excel
- CSV (comma separated value)
Setting Up Your Custom Import
Click Create Custom Data Import Record from the Actions drop-down menu.
Properties Tab
In the Properties Tab, complete the necessary fields and click Save. Descriptions of the fields are in the chart below.
- Execute Import button - Clicking "Execute Import" after completing all the provided fields in the Properties tab will force the system to search the SFTP site for the filename and import the file into the system.
Import Name - Specifies the name of the Custom Import.
- When automating Imports, the import process will process Custom Imports in alphabetical order. So, if automating more than one Import, the Import Name can be used to control the order in which files are imported.
- Import Type - Specifies the type of data to be imported. The Import Types available correlate to Import Formats available on the Data >> Imports >> Standard screen.
- Import Format - Specifies the format of the file to be imported - either delimited or fixed length.
- Worksheet Name - If importing from an Excel file, enter the name of the Worksheet within the Workbook that contains the data to be imported (i.e. Sheet1, Sheet2, etc).
- Field Count - Only applicable for "Employee" import types. This field specifies how many columns (or fields) of data will be present in the Import File.
- Import file contains Column Headers - Indicates if column headers will be present in the Import File.
- Only updates will be processed via this Import - Only applicable for "Employee" import types. When checked the system will not populate any new records and will only update records that match the SSN or Employee ID supplied in the Import File.
- Add new Lookup values - Only applicable for "Employee" import types. When checked the system will add Lookup Fields automatically to the system as they are found within the Import File.
- Format - Specifies if data will be imported manually from the Standard Imports page or from an SFTP Server. If the data will be imported from an SFTP Server, the server name, username, password, and file name will need to be requested and information entered here.
- Notification Addresses - Specifies email addresses that should be used to email notifications each time a File is imported as a Custom Import.
- Only email on error - If this box is checked then a notification email will only be sent to the Notification Addresses if more than one error is encountered during the import. If this box is not checked, then an email will be sent each time a custom import executes.
Field Mappings Tab
Depending on the "Import Type" selected, the "Field Mappings" tab may be available to configure the import fields. Use the Field Mappings tab to specify what data is expected for the respective column. An example of an import type that uses Field Mappings is the Employee Import type. The number of columns (Column Index) that will be available is driven by the "Field Count" entered on the Properties Tab.
- For some import types, such as Employee, you may be required to use an employee identifier, such as an employee SSN, to update the appropriate employee profile.
- If the Import Type being used requires the standard import format to be used, a note will display on this tab letting you know.
Using Custom Import
After creating your custom import, you must select the custom import from the Standard imports page to use it. For more information about Standard Imports, you can use to the following dedicated article.