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Automating Process of Importing Data From an FTP Server for Core HR

Any Standard Import can be automated by creating a Custom Import of the desired Import Type and specifying on the "Properties" Tab of the Custom Import that the Data will be imported from an FTP Server.

Core will automatically check configured FTP Servers for the existence of a file according to the following schedule:

Import Type Automated Import Frequency
Time Clock Transactions Every 5 Minutes
All other Import Types Hourly, at the bottom of each hour

If a file is found on the specified FTP Server, Core will import the file according to the properties specified for the Custom Import. Any files imported via automation will appear on the Data > Imports > Standard screen just as if they were imported manually from that screen. As such, any errors encountered during an automated import will appear on the Data > Imports > Standard screen and can be viewed in detail by clicking on the Errors column for the specific Import Record.

Additionally, any file imported in an automated fashion can be viewed from the Data > Imports > Standard screen by clicking on the "View File" link for the specific Import Record. Once a file is processed by Core, it will be deleted from the FTP Server.

When creating a Custom Import of any Import Type other than "Employee", the format of the Import File must match the Standard Import Format specified via the Data > Imports > Standard screen.

How to Reprocess an Import File That Failed or Encountered Errors

If an automated Import File is found to have either failed or encountered errors, the file can be reprocessed in one of two ways:

  • By downloading the File via the View File link, fixing the issues in the file, and then manually importing the file via the Data, Imports, Standard screen.
  • By downloading the File via the View File link, fixing the issues in the file, and then copying the fixed file back out to the FTP server for import.
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