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Granting Permissions for ExakTime Forms

The 'ExakTime Forms' feature for ExakTime can require additional setup before it can be fully utilized by your supervisors and employees. While administrators for ExakTime Connect will have full permission to ExakTime Forms by default, other employees can be granted varying levels of permissions to utilize the feature.

All the 'ExakTime Form' permissions are for ExakTime Connect. There are no permissions for ExakTime Mobile as the form assignment will determine which employees can answer a form on ExakTime Mobile. 

Expand for Navigation Steps to Security Roles
  1. Go to Manage and click Security Roles.


  2. Click the ExakTime Connect tab.


  3. Select an existing security role or create a new security role.


Form Permissions

The security role permissions will be listed towards the right. If you have trouble locating a permission, try pressing CTRL + F on the keyboard to search for the permission in the list.

Forms Manager

'Forms Manager' allows Employees to view, manage, and create new forms. 

ETC - Security Roles - Connect - Forms Manager - 00.png

The Forms Manager permissions are:

  • No Access - No access to the feature. The employee will not see 'Forms Manager' in the 'Tools' menu.
  • Access All - Employees have full access to Add, Edit, View, and Archive forms.
  • View - Employees can only view forms with no ability to edit forms.
  • Edit - Employees can edit existing forms with no ability to create new forms. The View permission is automatically assigned as well.
  • Add - Employees can add new forms. The View permission is automatically assigned as well. An employee can only have the Add-only permission with no ability to edit after a new form is saved.
  • Archive - Allows Employees to archive or un-archive forms respectively making them active or inactive.

ExakTime Forms Viewer

'ExakTime Forms Viewer' allows employees to view form responses in ExakTime Connect. This is generally used by Admins and supervisors/managers to review employee responses on ExakTime Connect.

ETC - Security Roles - Connect - ExakTime Forms Viewer - 00.png

The ExakTime Forms Viewer permissions are:

  • No Access - No access to the feature. The Employee will not see 'Forms Manager' in the 'Tools' menu.
  • Access All - Employees will have full access to the feature.
  • View - Employees can only view form responses.

Time Card Form Response Selector

'Time Card Form Response Selector' allows an Employee to specify which responses can be viewed from the time card details. This is generally used by Admins to specify which form can be viewed on the time cards on ExakTime Connect.

ETC - Security Roles - Connect - Time Card Form Response Selector - 00.png

The Time Card Form Response Selector permissions are:

  • No Access - No access to the feature. The employee will
  • Access All - Employees have view and edit permission to the feature.
  • View - Employees can only view time card form responses.
  • Edit - Employees can edit time card form responses. 

ExakTime Form Responses on Time Cards

'ExakTime Form Responses on Time Cards' allows employees to add columns to their time card details that contain form responses on ExakTime Connect. This is generally reserved for Admins and supervisors/managers to view responses at a glance while reviewing a time card. 

ETC - Security Roles - ExakTime Connect - Form Responses - 01.png

The ExakTime Form Responses on Time Card permissions are:

  • No Access - Employee has no access to the forms responses on Time Cards.
  • Access All - Employee has View and Edit permission on forms responses on Time Cards.
  • View - Employee with View only will be able to View responses on Time Cards with no ability to edit.
  • Edit - Employee can edit form responses on Time Cards. The Edit permission will automatically assign the View permission.
    • This permission will only allow editing responses for clock in/out forms. Library form responses cannot be modified at this time.
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